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What is an intermolecular force? Hydrogen bonds are actual bonds within a molecule, as opposed to intermolecular forces between the separate molecules. On this page you can read or download intermolecular forces pogil answer key in pdf format pogil...
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Molecules do not exist as independent units: Download file pdf intermolecular forces and strengths pogil answersintermolecular forces imfs can be used to predict relative boiling points. Pogil Intermolecular Forces Answers Pdf Indeed lately has been...
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- Intermolecular Forces Activities
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Bruck Connecting abstract science concepts to real-world phenomena and experiences proves difficult for many learners, and intermolecular forces are counted among the more challenging topics because of their abstract nature. Mastery of intermolecular forces is crucial to chemistry, physical science, general biology, and molecular biology, as they influence physical properties of substances, protein folding mechanisms, and the DNA double helix. Data analysis via pre- and posttesting and subsequent exam questions indicated that students who had the opportunity to participate in the activity were better able to identify and apply intermolecular forces both immediately after completion of the activity and also at the end of the semester. This activity has broad applicability in its usefulness to AP chemistry or biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, general biology, and molecular biology, as intermolecular forces are relevant to all these content areas.
- Pogil Intermolecular Forces Answers Pdf
In addition, the intermolecular forces activity is editable so educators from a variety of courses or educational levels could modify it for use to meet their particular instructional goals. Science students struggle to unite course content with real-world experiences and, generally speaking, the more abstract the subject matter, the more difficult it is for learners to make this connection Bodner, ; Herron, ; Johnstone, , However, because intermolecular forces have direct applicability to real-world observations and phenomena, mastery of this subject is crucial. Intermolecular forces are used as a means to explain solubility, boiling point, viscosity, surface tension, micelle formation, and nonideal gas behavior in general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and physical chemistry.
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In addition, intermolecular forces are the theoretical basis for distillation, a ubiquitous laboratory technique used in myriad science courses. Although students may understand and observe experimentally that the boiling points of ethanol and 1-hexanol differ, it would be impossible to explain the reason for this difference without the use of intermolecular forces. Additionally, intermolecular forces are an important concept for students of biochemistry, general biology, and molecular biology, as they are a driving factor behind protein secondary and tertiary structures. Additionally, hydrogen bonding is used to explain the stabilization of the DNA double helix.
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Unfortunately, the abstract nature of intermolecular forces is a stumbling block for students Henderleiter et al. The activity presented in this article fills this hole by engaging students in building their ideas about intermolecular forces though pedagogically sound methods. Activity design Students who struggle to grasp abstract concepts benefit from their use of physical manipulatives and relatable objects to solve problems, as learners at this level are unable to visualize such ideas on their own without assistance Bloom, To address the challenges that students face with regard to intermolecular forces, a hands-on activity was developed to assist learners in identifying and applying intermolecular forces. Although the author has only used the intermolecular forces activity in the context of general chemistry, it could also be used in a variety of other courses, as instructors could easily tailor it to fit their needs.
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A supply list of all suggested materials for use in this activity is provided in Table 1. Use of textbooks, lecture notes, and reference materials is also encouraged. As they progress through the activity, groups complete a handout that also includes postactivity questions; the handout is then submitted for grading and instructor feedback. In Part I, five boxes containing magnets of various sizes and strengths are provided, and students select the box that best represents the intermolecular forces present in each substance in a list.
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Lewis structures for the common substances HCl, water, and ammonia were not provided to require a review of structure drawing although educators could choose to include them , but Lewis structures created using ChemBioDraw Ultra PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA were provided for all other substances. This portion of the intermolecular forces activity could be modified by instructors to focus on specific functional groups or classes of molecules on the basis of the course and activity goals. In Part I, boxes containing magnets are provided to the students, and a full suggested supply list with retail sources is provided in Table 1 items could be substituted as needed.
- Pogil Intermolecular Forces Answers
Box 1 contains small strip magnets made of magnetic ribbon or magnetic sheets cut into strips that are collectively the weakest, thus representing the weakest intermolecular forces. Boxes 2 and 3 contain medium- and long-strip magnets from the same magnetic ribbon or sheets. Box 4 contains strong bar magnets, and Box 5 contains the strongest set of bar magnets with the greatest magnetic field strength. Thus, strong intermolecular forces are represented by Boxes 4 and 5, and weaker intermolecular forces are represented by Boxes 1 and 2. Part I makes an abstract concept relatable to students through tangible objects, which is in keeping with educational theory Ausubel et al. Magnets represent intermolecular forces nicely because just like intermolecular forces, they are related to field strength and proximity. Part I could also be extended to encourage students to consider mixtures as well as pure substances.
- Chem 150 Activity On Intermolecular Forces Answers
For instance, students could model the immiscibility of nonpolar solutes in polar solvents by using pencils to represent nonpolar particles and magnets to represent a polar solvent. Students would observe no interactions between the two, further reinforcing the idea that a solution does not form if the intermolecular forces of the solute and solvent are incompatible. Mixtures of strong and weak magnets could be combined to demonstrate why substances capable of dipole-dipole interactions dissolve in substances that exhibit hydrogen bonding acetone in water, for instance. Magnetic stirring bars from laboratory could also be included to introduce a variety of sizes and magnetic field strengths. In Part II, students color electron density maps on blank Lewis structures using the electron density maps in their textbook as samples. Then, students list the intermolecular forces present in each substance underneath its completed electron density map.
- Intermolecular Forces Lab
In Part III, students experimentally determine the boiling point of three unknown substances. From their data, students rank the liquids in order of increasing intermolecular forces and then rationalize their ranking systems. Suggested unknowns are hexane, ethanol, and water, but this section could be tailored to individual course needs and interests. For use in a lecture setting, students could be provided boiling points for a variety of substances and then asked to match the boiling points to the correct substances in a list. It is advised that instructors allow students to work with a partner and that students complete the intermolecular forces activity after the topic has been presented in lecture, although this activity could also be performed on the first day of instruction to reinforce concepts immediately.
The author has used the intermolecular forces activity in both lecture and laboratory settings and believes it is appropriate for either environment. If the activity is completed in a lecture setting and Part III data are provided to the students, it is advised that a minimum of 60 minutes be given to complete the tasks, and at least 2 hours should be allotted if students collect their own Part III data in a laboratory setting.
- Pogil Intermolecular Forces Answers ≥ COMAGS Answer Key Guide
Supporting data The intermolecular forces activity positively impacted student learning, as evidenced by pre- and posttests and analysis of exam scores collected in a general chemistry course. To study the effect of the intermolecular forces activity on student learning, one section of General Chemistry I completed the activity during lab the treatment group , whereas a second section completed a nonintermolecular forces lab the control group. Scores from a common first exam were used as a baseline to determine if students from the control and treatment groups were initially comparable to students from the previous year who did not receive the opportunity to engage in the intermolecular forces activity. This established a frame of reference for comparing regular instruction to the effects of the intermolecular forces activity. On the day of the intermolecular forces activity, both the control and treatment groups took the same preand posttests Table 3 immediately before and after their respective lab activities.
- Chem Activity On Intermolecular Forces Pogil Answer Key -
Grading rubrics for the pre- and posttests are provided in Tables 4 and 5, and scores for the two groups are tabulated in Tables 6 and 7. This was expected, because both groups had received the same instruction on intermolecular forces before completing the activity. Intermolecular forces questions from the comprehensive final exam were also analyzed to measure the duration of the learning that occurred in the intermolecular forces lab.
- Chem 150 Activity On Intermolecular Forces Pogil Answer Key
These data indicated that participation in the intermolecular forces activity produced improvements both immediately and also that persisted for the duration of the semester. Conclusion The intermolecular forces conceptbuilding activity presented in this article can be used in a variety of courses including high school AP Chemistry or Biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, general biology, and molecular biology. This activity could even be used in physical science, even though intermolecular forces are emphasized less heavily in this course.
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The intermolecular forces activity is highly editable to allow instructors to focus on particular types of molecules or substances of specific interest. In a physical chemistry course, students could model the intermolecular forces of specific gases of interest using the activity and then support their modeling with nonideal gas behavior calculations. In a physical science course, the activity could be pared down to introduce students to the idea of intermolecular forces. Likewise, the activity could also be used in lecture settings when intermolecular forces are first introduced to provide immediate reinforcement of ideas. The purpose of this article is to offer the intermolecular forces activity into the literature for use by educators at a variety of educational levels and content areas.
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The intermolecular forces activity can be used in both lecture and laboratory instructional settings, and its ease of editing allows for a variety of applications and content areas. Engaging students in concept-building activities such as those suggested in this article will hopefully increase student success in both applying and identifying intermolecular forces and prepare them for future science experiences and coursework. References Ausubel, D. Educational psychology: A cognitive view. Bloom, B. Taxonomy of educational objectives, handbook I: Cognitive domain. Bodner, G. Constructivism: A theory of knowledge. Journal of Chemical Education, 63, — Bruist, M.
- What Are The Types Of Intermolecular Forces?
A simple demonstration of how intermolecular forces make DNA helical. Journal of Chemical Education, 75, 53— Burkholder, P. Using molecular dynamics simulation to reinforce student understanding of intermolecular forces. Journal of Chemical Education, 85, — Casey, R. Intermolecular forces as a key to understanding the environmental fate of organic xenobiotics. Journal of Chemical Education, 82, — Cooper, M. Lost in Lewis structures: An investigation of student difficulties in developing representational competence. Journal of Chemical Education, 87, — Development and assessment of a molecular structure and properties learning progression. Journal of Chemical Education, 89, — Earles, T. Can London dispersion forces be stronger than dipole-dipole forces, including hydrogen bonds? Journal of Chemical Education, 72, Henderleiter, J.
- Intermolecular Forces – Chemistry
How do organic chemistry students understand and apply hydrogen bonding? Journal of Chemical Education, 78, — Herron, J. Piaget for chemists. Journal of Chemical Education, 52, — Hoffman, A. A demonstration model for immiscibility. Journal of Chemical Education, 59, Holt, J. A study of hydrogen bonding using liquid-vapor equilibria. The Chemical Educator, 8, — Jaisen, P.
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Intermolecular Forces Suggested student answers are shown Intermolecular Forces Suggested student answers are shown in purple text. Background Compounds interact with each other differently depending on their polarity. These interactions are called intermolecular forces IMFs , and physical properties of compounds can be inferred by the type of IMFs. In this activity, students will represent molecules and energy to investigate the different types of intermolecular forces. They will interact with each other to model the relative strengths of the three types of intermolecular forces.
- Intermolecular Forces – General Chemistry 1 & 2
In the analysis that follows the activity, they will relate IMFs including hydrogen bonding to physical properties boiling point and solubility. This distinction is the. Journal of College Science Teaching , v45 n4 Mar Abstract: The intermolecular forces activity presented in this article is designed to foster concept-building through students' use of concrete, manipulative objects, and it was developed Worksheet 15 - Intermolecular Forces Chemical bonds are intramolecular forces which hold atoms together as molecules. The forces that hold molecules together in the liquid and solid states are called intermolecular forces. Predict the molecular shape of each of the following: a. CCl 4 c. BrF d. PCl 5 2. List all types of IMFs that would occur in each of the following you should have a good enough understanding of
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Students exhibit difficulty with the concept of an Intermolecular Force being a force of attraction, an electrostatic interaction, between two or more molecules. The majority of students will identify an IMF as one of the chemical bonds within a molecule intramolecular force of attraction , or the identification is ambiguous or contradictory. Students confuse the terms inter- and intra-molecular forces. Students have difficulty visualizing a three-dimensional molecule from a two-dimensional Lewis Structure. Students have difficulty locating atoms in a polar molecule that have a partial positive or partial negative charge. Students have difficulty drawing structures and showing the location of the intermolecular force of attraction between molecules. Students do not give the right reason for a molecule having stronger LDFs in comparison to another molecule e.
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Students often use only three IMFs found in samples of pure substances solids and liquids - Dipole-dipole, Hydrogen bonding, LDS -rather than the IMFs found in solutions ion-dipole, ion-indiced dipole, dipole-indiced dipole, etc. When asked to compare two pure liquids each in its own sealed container at the same temperature, students associate "low vapor pressure" with weak intermolecular forces. Learning Objectives for this Activity 1. Identify the atoms in a model of a molecule having a partial positive charge or a partial negative charge: bond polarity. Acknowledge the fact that intermolecular forces are electrostatic force of attraction and repulsion between two or more molecules.
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