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The Tang dynasty — created a system of local schools where scholars could pursue their studies. This system gradually became the major method of recruitment into the bureaucracy; by the end of the Tang dynasty , the old aristocracy was...
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Although only the passage of the jinshi made one eligible for high office, passage of the other degrees gave one certain privileges, such as exemption from labour service and corporal punishment , government stipends, and admission to upper-gentry...
Civil Service Examination
Home Culture Traditions Exams 2, years of Examinations in China Our Facebook page has interesting stories about China or anything China related - often not reported elsewhere on other web sites. Some posts will also keep you up-to-date with the latest pages and new features on this web site. We tend to stay clear of politics and concentrate on the cultural side. We normally only post every few days so, don't worry, it won't fill up your news feed. In dynastic China the path to wealth and an easy life was through appointment to a well paid government post as a civil service official. The posts were open to any who could pass the daunting examinations. China was the first nation to appoint on academic results rather than patronage. Education has been taken very seriously for a very long time and Chinese children are known for their hard work and success at school work.
China's Civil Service To Open 24,000 Vacancies In Annual Intake
Current attitudes have their roots in the ancient examination system where success held such great importance. Even when a successful candidate was not given a job in administration, he would be held in great esteem by his community and would be consulted for advice on all sorts of matters. Some candidates repeatedly presented themselves for examination throughout their lives. This was not considered odd or exceptional. The greatly admired Liang Hao of the Song dynasty eventually passed the exams at the age of 84 as mentioned in the Three Character Classic. It was not uncommon for a grandfather, father and son all to take the same examination together.
Imperial Examination
In there were 35 candidates over 80 years old and 18 over 90 years old - all from just the one province of Anhui. If someone took the examinations throughout their adult lives but always failed they were awarded the degree at the age of 80 and if a scholar was still living sixty years after graduation the Emperor would pay for a feast in his honor. Senior officials showed interest in the examination questions that had been set each year and acted as patrons and mentors for bright candidates who they were acquainted with. In this way, study among the scholarly, was a life-long passion and constant source of news and debate. China has had a long culture of placing education and examinations at the top of life priorities. It is a set of philosophical aphorisms and riddles from the Daoist tradition. Within China the book is less well known, many Chinese would first mention the I Ching Yi Jing as the premier ancient classic.
The Confucian Classics & The Civil Service Examinations
Long before this Confucius had himself set the pattern by taking on students disciples on the basis of intellectual merit and not on wealth or family ancestry. Candidates would also be set a question on current affairs. Later stress on agriculture and ethics were incorporated into the system and the Ming Jing Expertise in Classics grade was introduced. Model of a student taking the state examinations, Changchun A survey of Chinese literature Language As both the book and printing were invented in China it is not surprising that Chinese literature has a long and distinguished history. Read more… Reforms During the Sui , and Tang dynasties and again in the Song dynasty the examination system was strengthened and systematized.
What Was Imperial China's Civil Service Exam System?
The system only really became a significant institution under the Tang, previously it had been used sporadically and only for a few top appointments. Its administration became one of the four principal directorates. By the end of the Song dynasty times as many as , candidates took the exams, but only about 1 in passed; and only those who succeeded could expect a lucrative post in central government. Each province had to put forward at least three candidates for office each year. Half of the candidates had no family history of passing the examination. The Emperor often took personal control of the examination system, reading the essays submitted for the highest levels. The top Jinshi students were admitted to the prestigious Hanlin Academy. The academy was a pool of talent used for many Imperial purposes such as educating the Emperor's sons, drafting edicts and administering the whole examination system. To become a Hanlin academician was the pinnacle of academic achievement and brought with it great respect.
Civil Service Exams [2021 Updated]
Wishing success in Exams A Peacock expresses the wish for examination success The Examinations were so important that there are many allusions to them. Gifts of porcelain and paintings would often have elements that wished the candidate luck. Apricots ; cinnamon and crabs all have the hidden meaning of wishing good fortune.
When Did China Start The Civil Services Examination?
The location of this tale was on the Yellow River between Shanxi and Shaanxi. Read more… The system became more sophisticated during the reign of the Ming dynasty founder Emperor Hongwu in Each prefecture local district had to have a school. To pass this examination took years of study and it was rare for a candidate to be ready to take it before they reached the age of To succeed at this level it was usual to have an influential patron who had been impressed by their scholarship and would then help with the candidate's studies and finances. Often a promising young boy would be supported by a syndicate of extended family and friends who would pay for materials, tutors and books. The successful official would then pay back his supporters and patrons with money, appointments and other benefits.
Understanding China’s Changing Civil Service
If the Jin Shi examinations were passed the lucky candidate would normally be offered a permanent and lucrative post in government. During the Ming dynasty only about candidates passed at this level each year; so there were only about 3, top scholars at any one time in the whole of China. It is said that at a Nanjing examination hall there were 35 deaths of candidates each day during their incarceration - a candidate could not leave if they felt ill. Exact recall of the great Chinese classics particularly of Confucius was a key skill. The core works comprised about , characters so this was no mean feat, the whole Christian Bible is about , words. Memory rather than imagination was crucial to success. It should be remembered that old practices remained for a long period in Europe too; up until the s it was necessary for candidates for British Oxford and Cambridge Universities to study the Classics in Latin and ancient Greek.
Over 1.57 Mln Applicants To Take China’s Civil Servant Examination
It was only as late as that competitive written examinations were introduced for entry into the British civil service. In China although accomplishments in the literary Classics achieved the highest prestige, examinations in law; economics; history and science were also available. As there was no age limit, candidates could retake the examinations many times if they failed. So the temptation for those who just failed to reach the grade was to try again and again. A well attested case is of a candidate continuing to take the examinations until he passed at the age of A pass was no guarantee of furtherance if no posts happened to be available that year.
Civil Service Of The People's Republic Of China
The novelist Cao Xueqin also failed; but more importantly the rebel leader Hong Xiuquan failed the exams and he went on to lead the devastating Taiping Rebellion. How well do you know China? The Yangzi River is one of the longest rivers in the world, where does it stand in the world rankings for length? The Yangzi river is the 3rd longest river after the Nile and Amazon rivers. Go to our quizzes page for a great range of quizzes about everything Chinese Fairness Although it was ostensibly an open system but all candidates needed to be able to study copies of the classic texts and gain the advice and support of someone who had been through the system. So success often stayed in 'scholarly' families as the help of fathers and grandfathers was a great advantage. Only men succeeded, some women did try by dressing up as men, but none went undetected, only briefly during Empress Wu Zetian 's reign were women allowed to enter for the examinations.
In addition slaves, sons of merchants and actors were not allowed to take the exams. An important rule was that a candidate had to prove their name and ancestry by showing the family's ancestral tablet , if an ancestor had committed some misdemeanor, his name would not be on a tablet and so his descendents were barred from taking the examination. Examinations were however open to candidates from all parts of China, there was no bias towards Beijing locals, Jiangsu and Zhejiang were noted for providing good candidates. However the examination system was not the only route to a lucrative government post, patronage still recruited a fair proportion of officials. Over the two thousand years various reforms were instigated to try to keep the system as fair as possible. Papers were copied before marking so examiners could not identify a student by their calligraphy. This could be sidestepped by the candidate writing phrases at previously agreed points so the corrupt marker could still recognize the candidate's script.
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Candidates were known to bring in various cheat sheets on fans; clothing and written on their skin. In more extreme cheating, some candidates paid for scholars to sit the exam in their stead. Examination hall in Beijing. The Hanlin Academy was founded way back in the Tang dynasty long before any European university. For nearly 1, years it comprised all the top scholars in many disciplines and had its own set of buildings at the Imperial capital.
China Civil Service Exam
The academy produced Imperial edicts, the Imperial histories as well as educating the Emperor's children and setting the university examination system. Read more… Modern Examinations The decline of the traditional examination and education system came towards the end of the Qing dynasty. Western missions had started to found free schools and universities which taught 'modern' science and technology. Corruption had become extremely widespread with bribes used to directly buy the qualifications without sitting the exam. It has a wider range of subjects including science and technology in the standard three levels of schooling: primary, secondary and tertiary. In the period Marxist thought formed a core part. During this era practical application was a compulsory subject so students would do some manual work as a part of the degree.
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Anyone who has worked with Chinese students will realize that the cultural and historical emphasis on examinations continues to produce hard working and receptive candidates. The continuing importance of educational attainment is based on a 2, year old respect for the profound importance of learning. The Examinations came to an end and the halls were demolished in A candidate on arrival was given new clothes to make cheating more difficult and assigned a unique Chinese character identifying both his individual cell and his script of submitted answers.
Ancient Chinese Civil Service Facts For Kids
Good job, you've read 3 articles today! Spin the wheel for ST Read and Win now. Let's go! It is China's national level exam to enrol government employees. It attracts a large number of candidates each year because government jobs, dubbed "iron rice bowls", mean guaranteed job security, steady income and benefits. If you think your college exam was tough, then brace yourself for this. If you think your high school exam was nerve-racking, then this would make you sweat from every part of your body.
Testing Information
It's China's national civil service exam, or guokao. The exam, which will be held across the country this Sunday, attracts a large number of candidates each year because the government jobs, dubbed "iron rice bowls", mean guaranteed job security, steady income and benefits. There are multiple-choice questions that candidates have to answer in two hours, which means there's less than a minute to answer each question. But that's not all. The questions cover wide range of topics, including math, world affairs, language, and logic. Now, before you start thinking that it doesn't sound that difficult, there's more.
What Type Of Questions Were On The Chinese Civil Service Exams? - Quora
This is just one part. Apart from the multiple-choice test, there are three hours of essay writing. All the tests are designed to comprehensively assess the candidates' abilities, including psychological potentials, ability to read, analyse and solve the problems. So now that we have provided a taste of the test, how about dipping your toe into the actual thing? Here are some of the questions that civil servants slog through to get the coveted government job. How about giving them a shot? Observe the images below and pick out the right one that belongs to the blank or the group. Hint: Each row has shared shapes.
Kids History: Civil Service In Ancient China
First row is round; second is triangle; third is quadrangle Answer: B 2. Hint: From left to right, there're increasing numbers of small shapes in each image. One round 2. Two quadrangles 3. Three candle-shaped images 4. Four trapezoids 5. Five triangles. The image with six small shapes will be the right answer. Answer: A 3. Observe the images below and pick out the right one that belongs to the given group. Hint: In the left, four images, it's the mirror image of number 1, 2, 3, 4.
Chinese Civil Service
Hence we need to find the mirror image of 5. Answer: C 4. Hint: Look at the image row by row from left to the right. The faces are turning 90 degrees one by one. Eyes are opposite from the first one to the second one on each row. The mouths are opposite from the second to the third on each row. Answer: C What about an analogy question? Which one is the wrong match between the idioms and economic terms? Spilt water cannot be gathered up again - Opportunity cost B. One nation can't have two queens - Complete monopoly C. Entering a room full of fragrant orchids and getting used to the sweet smell -- Diminishing marginal utility D.
10 Interesting Facts About China's Imperial Examination System
When the city gate catches fire, the fish in the moat suffer -- Negative external effects Hint: Match the meaning of the idioms and the economic terms. Answer: A Now let's see how well you know about history. What is the possible situation that can happen? Greeks watch World Cup in the stadium when the Revolution of happened B. Chinese college students listen to radio by semiconductor receivers during the May 4th Movement C.
The Mongol Dynasty | Asia Society
During the Cold War, a Soviet cinema shows a color movie D. During the Vietnam War, Americans can surf the Internet on computers Hint: You need to know about that period to make the call. Answer: C Are you already tired of all this? One last question to test if your instinct of language is good. The Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami showed humans the power of the nature. Although we have islands and submerged reefs as natural barriers to tsunamis, we need to be prepared for potential dangers. Sometimes the earthquake in the deep ocean does not cause any loss as the epicenter is far from the land, but the tsunami generated by the displacement of the water can cause huge damage. Tsunami waves can move at km per hour in the ocean and can be several meters high. The main argument in the paragraph above is A. Earthquakes and tsunamis warn people to pay attention to the ocean B. Earthquakes and tsunamis in the Indian Ocean warn us to focus more on oceanography C. Tsunamis generated by earthquakes can cause huge damages D.
2,000 Years Of Examinations In China
Natural disaster is cruel Answer: B So, what was your final score? Were you able to crack some of the answers? If you got most of them right then you certainly deserve the "iron rice bowl". If you got few correct ones then start brushing up your knowledge by reading the papers every day. If you found all the questions hard then just blame the education system. Join ST's Telegram channel here and get the latest breaking news delivered to you.
Could You Pass China's Grueling, 5-hour Civil Service Exam?
The system continued to play a major role, not only in education and government, but also in society itself, throughout Qing times. The civil service examination system was squarely based upon the Confucian classics and upon recognized commentaries on those classics. The examination system was the basic support for the ongoing study of the Confucian classics during late-imperial times and could be said to have been the impetus behind the school curriculum that was followed all over China, even at the level of the village school for young boys. In imperial times educational opportunities were far more restricted for girls and women than were for boys. Some girls did get an education, but this was a minority. The Confucian tradition was institutionally upheld by the imperial state in a very direct way. The opening lessons in the curriculum that gave these children basic literacy were the Confucian classics and other approved texts.
Imperial Examination - Wikipedia
For a young boy, simply going to school meant beginning the early part of the very curriculum which, if he succeeded at every level, would propel him into the examination system. What this curriculum meant, among other things, was absolute mastery of key Confucian texts. The vast majority of boys did not participate in the examinations; in fact, a relatively large percentage of boys ended schooling no later than after the first five or six years.
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Some scholars estimate that as a result, as much as 40 percent of Chinese males at that time were literate. Having achieved this level of education, the vast majority of boys simply left school and went about their lives. This was true of boys from merchant as well as farming families. Only those from wealthier families or showing exceptional promise and having wealthy sponsors who were impressed by their potential could continue their studies and compete in the examination system. The lowest level of the Chinese imperial administration was the county seat, and in the county seat one took the preliminary examination, which, if passed, qualified one to take the examination at the second level, which was at the prefectoral district seat. The third-level examinations were given in the provincial capitol, and the fourth and highest level of examinations were given in the imperial palace itself. Theoretically, he was to proctor the palace exams, although in practice he sent someone to represent him in that capacity.
Living In The Chinese Cosmos | Asia For Educators
Those who only passed at the provincial-level juren became part of an important provincial elite and held enormous power at that level. Many of these provincial degree-holders could be called to government service, though this was not automatic. Those who only passed at the prefectoral level xiucai had the most common imperial degree in China. The holders of this degree took positions of leadership in their villages and towns and also became school teachers, maintaining the very educational system in which they themselves had achieved success.
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