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The Thompson Test yields a positive result. This is indicative of: a. High Ankle Sprain c. Ruptured Achilles Tendon d. Navicular Fracture The Thompson test is a special test for achilles tendon integrity. Achilles tendon ruptures typically happen...
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If a patient has an anterior innominate, the leg that looked longer in supine will become shorter in sitting. If the patient has a posterior innominate, the leg that looked shorter in supine will become longer in sitting. Neuromuscular System 3....
NPTE PTA Practice Test
On assessment, there is weakness in ankle dorsiflexion. The most likely cause of the patient's back pain is a. Nerve root irritation at L4-L5. Nerve root irritation at L5-S1. Postural strain. Compression fracture. This dermatomal and myotomal pattern is one of L4-L5 distribution. Therefore, irritation of that nerve root would be the most likely cause of these symptoms. Cardiopulmonary System 5. A patient presents to therapy with moderate pain in the bilateral distal lower extremities. He reports that the pain is better when his feet are elevated. During evaluation, the therapist notes that the skin has brown discoloration and is flaky and dry. The most likely cause of the patient's leg pain is: a. Arterial insufficiency c. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy d. Bilateral calf strains Signs of arterial insufficiency include severe pain, especially at night, ulcers on the lower third of the legs, diminished pedal pulses, decreased skin temperature, shiny skin with hair loss, and leg elevation that increases pain.
NPTAE - Physical Therapy Assistants (NPTAE) Practice Tests & Test Prep By Exam Edge
Venous insufficiency is identified with mild to moderate pain, normal pedal pulses, increased edema, dry and flaky skin, that is at a normal skin temperature, brown discoloration of the skin, and where leg elevation decreases the pain. While reviewing a chart of a new evaluation for PT in acute care, the therapist finds that the patient currently has the following lab values: pH: 7. Which of the following is correct regarding this patient? The patient is in acute respiratory alkalosis. The patient is in compensated respiratory alkalosis. The patient is in acute metabolic alkalosis. The patient is in compensated metabolic alkalosis. A blood pH level that has returned to normal is indicative that the body has compensated. Integumentary System 7. A patient has a sloughy wound with moderate exudate.
NPTAE Test Prep Flashcards
The most appropriate wound dressing for this patient is: a. Alginate with secondary foam dressing b. Foam dressing with secondary film dressing c. Hydrocolloid with secondary film dressing d. Hydrogel dressing alone Film dressings would be inappropriate because the wound has a moderate amount of exudate. Hydrogels increase moisture, so that would not be an appropriate dressing for this wound either. You are providing wound care for a recent adult burn unit admission. The patient presents with burns covering the left anterior leg, anterior chest, and left anterior arm. What percent of the patient can you estimate is the burn area? Metabolic and Endocrine Systems 9. A patient has a diagnosis of Graves disease. Which physiological response to exercise can you expect for this patient in relation to their diagnosis?
Elevated heart rate c. Decreased heart rate d. Elevated O2 saturation Patients with Graves disease often have an overactive thyroid. Hyperthyroidism can lead to elevated heart rate. A patient you are treating with Addison's disease arrives at therapy in visible distress and reports she has been vomiting and having diarrhea for the last two days. She states that the pain in her back and legs is unbearable now, and that she has been blacking out. You assess the patient's vitals and find her blood pressure to be much lower than previous sessions. The best course of action is to: a. Send the patient home to rest instructing her to call her doctor if the vomiting persists due to risk of dehydration. Assist the patient to make arrangements to get to the nearest emergency room as she is exhibiting signs of acute adrenal failure.
PTA (Physical Therapy Assistant) Certification Exam Sample Test
Refer the patient to her primary care physician for an MRI due to the increase in back and leg pain. Recommend the patient drink some Gatorade and perform seated and supine exercise monitoring vitals throughout. Addison's disease is an adrenal disorder. This patient is showing signs of an adrenal crisis, so emergency medical care is needed. Gastrointestinal System Pain from gallstones often refers to the: a. Chest b. Left shoulder and scapular area c. Right Shoulder and scapular area d. Right lumbar and posterior thigh The disruption of organs in the body often refers pain to other areas. Gallbladder pain often refers to the right shoulder and scapular area. When working with a patient with Chron's disease, the patient should avoid the following when trying to manage their pain: a. Ice as patients with Chron's disease are cold-intolerant b. Tylenol as Chron's disease has significant liver involvement d.
NPTE & NPTAE Secrets Study Guide
Genitourinary System You are performing seated exercise with a patient in acute care that has a complete SCI at T5. While performing exercise, he reports a sudden onset of a pounding headache and hisface is flushed. He begins sweating profusely and is nauseated. You suspect autonomic dysreflexia. The BEST next step is to: a. Have the patient rest for 2 minutes, then resume exercise if symptoms dissipate. Call a code c. Transfer the patient back to bed and have him rest for 5 minutes. If symptoms do not improve, call the nurse.
PTA Physical Therapy Assistant - 50 Test Questions Free
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Study Smarter &Pass The NPTE!
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The PTA Exam
Always Affordable Pass your next exam without breaking the bank. Start studying for free today! It offers detailed explanations of answers. I used the app a lot when on vacation, sitting in waiting rooms etc. Places where lugging your books and study material isn't appropriate. The explanations and rationales are a great study help as well. Gives explanations after you answered a question.
The Federation Of State Boards Of Physical Therapy
Concepts and principles aren't simply named or described in passing, but are explained in detail. The guide is laid out in a logical and organized fashion so that one section naturally flows from the one preceding it. Because it's written with an eye for both technical accuracy and accessibility, you will not have to worry about getting lost in dense academic language. Any test prep guide is only as good as its practice questions and answers, and that's another area where our guide stands out.
ISBN 13: 9781610723152
Our test designers have provided scores of test questions that will prepare you for what to expect on the actual NPTAE Exam. Each answer is explained in depth, in order to make the principles and reasoning behind it crystal clear. We've helped thousands of people pass standardized tests and achieve their education and career goals. It's an excellent investment in your future. The standards for who gets to work on the team are very strict- we demand the best for our customers, and only those who met our exacting standards made the cut. The dedicated research staff have years of combined experience in mastering the content and skills necessary to succeed on the toughest exams.
NPTAE Secrets Study Guide
The Second Reason: Some academic studies have revealed that test takers do not really benefit from the traditional test preparation process. We believe we have succeeded in finding the secret keys of the exam. What we found was surprising, and in some cases ridiculously simple once explained to the average test taker. We put the findings together in a thorough, concise study guide that we believe allows any test taker, at any skill level, to improve his or her results dramatically with a minimum of effort. Most test takers already have a general knowledge of the material that will be covered on the exam. Our guide addresses the difference between merely knowing the material and knowing how to use the material to perform on test day. You're going to save time, money, and aggravation. You'll learn to avoid the mistakes and the bad strategies that you've been vulnerable to.
National Physical Therapist Assistant Examination (NPTAE)
The Exclusive Test Taking Techniques Keys to questions that "give away" the wrong or right answers- You get credit for some of the questions without really even knowing anything about them Get quick, customized help for the questions you have- just send us a quick email and we'll get back to you promptly with the answer. A systematic analysis and the best breakdown into "plain language" of how to deconstruct and master the toughest problems- You turn the problems that most of the test takers will stumble over to your advantage Learn why, when, and how to guess to your advantage.
National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE)
Learn why looking for the key "weasel words" in the question can help identify the correct answer Why "new information" in the answer choices almost always means that the answer choice is wrong- and the way to avoid this trick planted by the clever test writers Learn to avoid this time-draining mistake on the test - why the technical terms you don't know can be a major stumbling block and waste precious time, and the way that you can work around them The secret to using the contextual clues in the questions and the answer choices to make important distinctions between the right and the wrong answer choices The two situations where you should NOT check your answers thoroughly How to avoid careless mistakes by using the quick "double check" system.
NPTE Physical Therapist Assisatant Practice Test
It will more than pay for itself relative to the time it will take you Test writers will often quote directly from the question in an answer- learn whether this is something you should trust or avoid Why "extreme statements" in the answer choices are dead giveaways for wrong answers- find out how to detect the subtle differences between reasonable answers and the answers that are almost always wrong Learn how to group your answer choices into "families" that often narrows down the pool of correct answers- this is a quick way to immediately eliminate one or two of the answer choices and increase your odds of getting the question right Now, you're probably wondering how and why we can do all the things we claim.
NPTAE - Physical Therapy Assistants Practice Test & Test Prep
Let us explain. It is not a stale rehash of all of the things you have already learned in the past. It's written in everyday language and is easy to use. Don't take our word for it. Listen to what our customers say about other Mometrix test preparation products. I purchased the Secrets file, and I just wanted to let you know that I aced my test. I just want to thank you again, and hope you have continued success in your ventures. Sincerely, Paul L. My name is Chris. I used the Secrets study guide for five days. The study guide made the test so easy to understand. Like you said this program is worth 's of dollars. To me 1,'s!! I just had to thank you guys for the test prep! I bought the guide as a last minute prep, I mean maybe 5 hours before the test.
NPTE & NPTAE* Practice Test Study Resources
I was nervous about the test let alone receiving the score I needed. I read the guide through only once before test time and needless to say, the only way I passed was thanks to your refresher!! Brian I heard about your website from a friend. I am enrolled in a review course, and in hindsight, I wish I wouldn't have taken my review course and instead spent a fraction of the money on your program. Thank you! Zac L. You get at least 10 times your money's worth!
PT Exam Scores – What To Aim For On NPTE Practice Exams
TherapyEd's NPTE Prep Course Focused on active learning and developing critical reasoning skills, our exam prep courses are taught by superior instructors with years of experience helping students. They use their collective knowledge and diverse experience to help students prepare and do their best on exam day. Each course starts with an overview of the exam to make sure students fully understand the nature and challenges of the high-stakes NPTE. Then instructors work through questions, in a guided learning format, to develop students' critical reasoning skills. Breaking down and analyzing questions to understand how best to answer them on the real exam is at the heart of the TherapyEd course. Making this an engaging and interesting learning experience is what makes our instructors the best in the profession.
Online NPTE Practice Exam
Utilizing their own years of practical and teaching experience, as well as interactive clickers and the TherapyEd Course Manual--a page text given out as part of the course--the instructors are the reason almost everyone who takes the course rates it as "Excellent" or "Above Average. Distinguished educators Drs. Combining comprehensive content review, in a clear and concise outline format, along with engaging, full-color graphics, the guide gives students the ability to review everything they need to know to succeed on the NPTE. Most importantly, the guide also comes with 3 complete practice exams to help students understand their individual strengths and weaknesses. These exams--a total of questions--are rigorous and challenging to make sure students are ready for anything that may appear on the NPTE. The questions are designed to match, or even slightly exceed, the level of difficulty and complexity found on the real exam. O'Sullivan is the co-author of the foundational Physical Therapy text "Physical Rehabilitation" and is recognized as a leader in the profession.
Sample Questions | FSBPT
Siegelman has been helping students pass the exam for almost 30 years and provides a keen understanding of the exam makeup and the complexities of the new exam blueprint. They bring together a team of 25 expert content contributors to make sure all topics are covered at the depth and level of expertise needed to ensure students are ready for the exam. In choosing physical therapy as a career you have elected to join a community of hard-working professionals who improve the quality of life for thousands of patients every day. As the leader in preparing students for the NPTE, we help thousands pass their exam each year. I feel like I now have all the information and resources I need to study successfully!
PTA Licensure Requirements US Graduates
Physical Therapist Examination 1. After sitting at a computer station for hours, an individual reports experiencing a sharp, localized pain in the left arm. When asked to show the location of the pain, the individual points to the area of the insertion of the deltoid. The pain disappears when the individual stands up and walks around briefly. Which of the following interventions is MOST likely to correct the problem? Isometric strengthening of the deltoid b. Lumbar extension exercises in prone position c. Instruction in correct postural alignment in sitting position d. Instruction in shoulder active range of motion exercises 2. A patient with a medullary-level vascular lesion has increased vagal nerve activity. Which of the following descriptions BEST represents the cardiovascular effects that occur when the patient transitions from supine to standing position?
NPTE & NPTAE Flashcards Study System
Rise in blood pressure and no change in heart rate b. Drop in blood pressure and no change in heart rate c. Rise in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate d. Drop in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate 3. A patient has used crutches with a partial weight-bearing toe touch gait for the past 3 months. When progressed to full weight-bearing, the patient is unable to demonstrate a heel-toe gait sequence with the involved extremity. Which of the following disorders is the MOST likely origin of the gait abnormality? Plantar fasciitis b. Fibular peroneal nerve palsy c. Heel cord tightness d.
Intensive Webinar Review For The NPTE / NPTAE / PCE/ APCE
Hammertoe 4. While abducting the shoulder, the patient in the photograph denies pain while moving the arm through the range indicated in photograph A, but reports increasing pain severity as the arm moves into the range indicated by photograph B. Which of the following disorders is MOST likely present? Acromioclavicular joint lesion.
NPTE For PT Exam Prep - TherapyEd
Dear Friend, On a beautiful late spring afternoon, this past year, a young woman received the devastating news. She had just gotten back her score on the NPTE. It was not what she had hoped for. In fact, it was not even close to the expectations she had and what she thought her excellent grades in PT school would help her score on the NPTE. She had failed the test. The worst part was that she now going to have to take time off from work to study for a future retest and that her hospital employment contract would be in jeopardy.
NPTE Physical Therapist Practice Test
She didn't look forward to having to tell the embarrassing news to her coworkers, especially after she had boasted that it was no big deal. How to Solve the Problem Unfortunately, this hypothetical situation occurs all the time. Someone thought they were going to graduate from PT school, get their dream job, made plans for the future, and then got an embarrassing reality check from their score on the NPTE. Contrary to popular belief, the NPTE is not a measure of your academic performance, which is why PT students with a perfect 4. The NPTE is quite simply a measure of how well you can apply medical knowledge, concepts, and principles to patient care. While it may not be fair, a physical therapist's entire professional career is dependent upon needing a passing NPTE score. The standards for who gets to work on the team are very strict.
Making Use Of Clinical Rotations For The NPTE / NPTAE
We demand the best for our customers, and only those who met our exacting standards made the cut. The dedicated research staff have years of combined experience in mastering the content and skills necessary to succeed on the toughest exams. The Second Reason: Some academic studies have revealed that test takers do not really benefit from the traditional test preparation process. But we knew there had to be a solution. We believe we have succeeded in finding the secret keys of the exam. What we found was surprising, and in some cases ridiculously simple once explained to the average test taker. We put the findings together in a thorough, concise study guide that we believe allows any test taker, at any skill level, to improve his or her results dramatically with a minimum of effort. You have to know how to apply the knowledge.
Prepare For The NPTE Exam
Most test takers already have a general knowledge of the material that will be covered on the exam. Our guide addresses the difference between merely knowing the material and knowing how to use the material to perform on test day. You're going to save time, money, and aggravation. You'll learn to avoid the mistakes and the bad strategies that you've been vulnerable to. You get credit for some of the questions just by paying attention to how the question is asked. Get quick, customized help for the questions you have about how to use our materials. Just send us a quick email and we'll get back to you promptly with the answer. No matter if you're studying for a week or a month, you won't waste the precious study time you have on useless activities. Our researchers are more than just academic theoreticians who understand the technical nature of standardized tests, but are also experts on test taking itself.
NPTE PT Practice Test
They reveal the exact skills and the information you'll need to perform under pressure during the test. Learn why, when, and how to guess to your advantage. Many test takers use exactly the wrong strategy, but you can avoid the pitfalls with the help of our standardized test experts. Includes instructions detailing the best way for you to get started with your preparation efforts so you can begin the path of improving your scores immediately. The most efficient and accurate method for picking the right answer. You won't be scratching your head trying to read the mind of the test question writer, but will instead know exactly what to look for to pick the best answer.
National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE & NPTAE)Test And Study Guide
If you need the product sent to a different address, lose the product, or have any other difficulty, the help you need is just a short email away, and our representatives are active 7 days a week helping customers. Our exclusive calibration strategy to help you never go too fast OR too slow when answering even the toughest questions. The 5-step process we've developed, what we call the phased approach, concerning the use of the various study aids and practice tests. How to structure your preparation to avoid the problem of procrastination that can kill your chances of success. The most important things you should take care of within 24 hours of taking the test. Make sure you've taken care of the little things in addition to studying hard. How to predict the right answer before you see the answer choices, and how to prevent the wrong answers from polluting your mind and tempting you into a trap designed by the test writers. Why answers that sound correct are often the very ones that are wrong and how to tell the difference between the right answer and the many clever-sounding traps set for you by the test writers.
Our benchmark method for deciding which of the answer choices you should pick. How some of the random bits of information in a question often give away the right answer choice. How to milk the question for clues to the right answer even if you aren't sure what the question is asking about. How to avoid panicking when you don't know the answer to a question. We offer a systematic method that will serve as the lifeline you need to minimize the time wasted on the test questions that leave you stumped. What to do about the tough questions that you have no clue how to answer. Don't just give up, use the advice we offer to make sure you give yourself the best chance of getting the right answer. How to use our brainstorming method to get inside the question and reveal the hard-to-find clues and some of the subtle things you didn't realize you knew. Do you know what a hedge phrase is?
Npte Pta Exam Questions Health
Learn why looking for the key weasel words in the question can help identify the correct answer. The secret to using the contextual clues in the questions and the answer choices to make important distinctions between the right and the wrong answer choices. How to avoid careless mistakes by using the quick double check system. It will more than pay for itself relative to the time it will take you. Why extreme statements in the answer choices are dead giveaways for wrong answers. Find out how to detect the subtle differences between reasonable answers and the answers that are almost always wrong. Learn how to group your answer choices into families that often narrows down the pool of correct answers. This is a quick way to immediately eliminate one or two of the answer choices and increase your odds of getting the question right. Now, you're probably wondering how and why we can do all the things we claim. Let us explain.
NPTE & NPTAE Study Guide & Practice Test [Prepare For The NPTE & NPTAE Test]
It is not a stale rehash of all of the things you have already learned in the past. It's written in everyday language and is easy to use. Don't take our word for it. Listen to what our customers say about other Mometrix test preparation products. I purchased the Secrets file, and I just wanted to let you know that I aced my test. I just want to thank you again, and hope you have continued success in your ventures. Sincerely, Paul L. My name is Chris. I used the Secrets study guide for five days. The study guide made the test so easy to understand. Like you said this program is worth 's of dollars. To me 1,'s!! I just had to thank you guys for the test prep! I bought the guide as a last minute prep, I mean maybe 5 hours before the test. I was nervous about the test let alone receiving the score I needed. I read the guide through only once before test time and needless to say, the only way I passed was thanks to your refresher!!
Physical Therapist Assistant Board Exam Preparation - Board Preppers
Brian I heard about your website from a friend. I am enrolled in a review course, and in hindsight, I wish I wouldn't have taken my review course and instead spent a fraction of the money on your program. Thank you! Zac L. The blind cannot hope to lead the blind. Two: The guide must be written in easy-to-use everyday language so all test takers can access the information. Three: The guide must be to-the-point, with no fluff to distract the test taker from the truly important information. Four: The guide must address the test first, the material second. If the material was the only thing that was important, then every test taker that understood the material should get a perfect score.
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