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Our website contains web content such as up-to-the-minute news, blogs and more. The e-Edition is a digital replica of the printed paper. Can I use the e-Edition without registering? The e-Edition is a premium product available by subscription only. You must register to use this product. Why do I have to pay for the e-Edition and web content? The Observer-Reporter charges for unlimited digital access so we can continue to invest in the quality journalism you know and love. Can I get access on my mobile phone or tablet? What devices are supported? We are constantly striving to bring you the best experience on any device you own. Much of our site is optimized for mobile use. To access the e-Edition, log in to your account on your computer or phone via your preferred web browser. Can I purchase unlimited digital access, but not the e-Edition or vice-versa?!/feedtype=RECENT&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS&
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Company staff contact sheet Company policies It is going to be more difficult for new staff to ask questions remotely, so be comprehensive in the information you provide to them. Tech Set-Up It may be tempting to skip or hurry in aspects of the onboarding process to save time. Make sure that technology set up for new staff is not one area you skip. Whether it is you or a tech support employee, make sure to allocate time to run through all the technology needed to fulfil the job.
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Take this time to set clear objectives and goals which can be monitored. Having clear communication about expectations will help your new employee stay on track and feel supported. Provide an Open Channel for Communication Create a community environment, even when your staff are working remotely. Using tools such as Slack or Asana can help all staff feel connected. Be sure that new employees are aware of how they can contact their line manager or fellow employees, this is vital particularly in the early days in their new position. Happy, motivated and focused staff are what keep businesses going.
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We all know this year has been tough. Here are some ways to continue to keep staff motivated. Proactive Adaptability As employers, you need to be ready for whatever is thrown at you. With forever changing restrictions and guidelines, it is vital that a business is seen to be rolling with the punches and doing whatever is necessary to adapt. Keep employee trust and faith by using a proactive and communicative approach — no matter what. Stay Connected Ensure there are open channels of communication with the entire team. There are many platforms available that are specifically for team management. Each channel can be for a different topic such as a project update or something more casual so that all staff has somewhere to go to chat. Showing compassion and patience to all staff will help to improve overall morale and well-being.
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It may also boost motivation and overall job satisfaction if your employees feel supported. Goal-Oriented Create clear and obtainable goals for each employee. These goals should be tracked and monitored weekly. This will not only keep staff motivated and focused, but it will also provide them with a sense of achievement. Without clear task intention, employees may lose their drive and interest which are both so important to keep a business going.
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Suggestion Box Why not create an anonymous suggestion box? There are free online tools that you can use to facilitate this. Not all employees are outspoken or confident enough to bring up issues and woes. This is a perfect way to not only show your staff you care but to also improve in areas that are needed. A happy and supported workforce will only benefit the company and helps to create a great reputation as somewhere that employees are listened to and respected.
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Do you need recruitment advice? Contact our offices here. Economies ebb and flow and so does the job market. As the old saying goes, when one door closes; another opens. In fact, in the future, you may look on the day you were made redundant as the day you started to forge your own path. And it hurts NOW. Below are some immediate steps you can take to ease your transition from your old road to your new path. Go easy on yourself! Being aware of your feelings during this time will help you keep a clear head. Use this as an opportunity for training and personal development. Are you interested in a different industry than the one you recently left? Perhaps you were in the same role for a long period and want to study up on advances in that area. Actively pursuing training and development ensures that your knowledge and skills are always relevant. There are many courses available online and across Ireland to brush up on your skills and indeed learn new ones.
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Our time in lockdown reminded us that having a well-rounded life is important and a real boost to our mental health. In the same vein as personal development, there are courses for a range of hobbies available online. Lose yourself in the latest best-seller; dust off the acoustic guitar; learn a few phrases in a foreign language. Remember that you are more than your job and taking time for yourself to enjoy your favourite pastime is time well spent. Work on your narrative. You want to forge your own path? Then you need to start by telling your story in your own words. Before long, you will be interviewing for a new job and you will want to be able to showcase what you enjoyed in your last role, what you learned in your last role, and what you want now. Beyond traditional interviewing, you will also want to take advantage of your own personal network. Before you can get what you want, you need to know how to ask for what you want.
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Change, while unnerving, is an invitation to opportunity. Take this time to identify your values, take the wheel, and forge your own path.
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What is here to explore, and where will the journey lead us? We are thrilled to finally share all our wonderful encounters and experiences with you. Over the past couple of years, we have been lucky to meet many of you in person, and now we want to celebrate our life with horses together with you! We want to share magic moments, and all of you are invited to participate.
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To us, it describes more than a scholarly mode of action. From this base we aim to develop a positive philosophy that encompasses us and all aspects of being a horse. We all can be positive en force r s in this world. It is not about using method X or Y to train a horse to perform certain tasks. A bond that forms through joint development and one-on-one time well spent. This is because the brains of humans and horses alike are built to gather information from many small and different sources and perspectives in order to create a bigger picture. We all want to create our own world. In doing so, we find coherence and feel comfortable in this diverse world. We all learn best by developing noticeable enthusiasm for the subject, and enthusiasm can only develop when you click with something.
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What makes us click is particularly when small details reveal their true grandeur or when the whole shrinks to become a minute detail of something else. Be curious, and start this adventure that will open up space for you and your horse to experience yourselves, and to experience your innermost selves. Eventually, you will meet on an equal footing. They are here so you can fill them with your most exciting and most beautiful colors.
You might also find and include new perspectives on your life with horses, maybe you will start to questions some of your actions, and you might start to comprehend yourself and us as essential parts of an interconnected world. We are Conny and Marlitt, two horse-loving friends who have found each other through their common interest in positive reinforcement. We want you to take part in our most interesting experiences, and pass on what we have learned. We invite you to this common path, to share moving experiences, to pick up knowledge along the way, and especially to celebrate our personal aha moments together. We are not at school where teachers are ultimate authorities. However, each one of us sees them a little differently, from a different spot in the room which makes our personal perception so unique. We will keep emphasizing all the different perspectives! We are not experts for your life with horses — only you can be the authority for that.
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But we are all students and seekers who want to share a few tricks, some findings, and our knowledge with you. No petty clicking! And it is definitely not about talking with final determination about the absolute necessity to answer petty questions about clickers. We assume that you are magically drawn to horses, and that they entice you to come closer to them in order to learn about them, to better understand them, and to get active together.
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Have you been called by a horse? Discover your own way Focus on the core of your dream to get to your horse. How can you establish this base with a first step so your dream can become true in time? Imagine what you want to do with your horse… and off you go. You have mastered a big step to become independent and creative in your relationship with horses if everything goes well. Just start! You have also mastered a big step if things do not turn out as planned. You have learned something about your expectations, your personal dissatisfaction, and maybe about impatience.
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This knowledge can inform future approaches so that you might be more successful the next time you try. It is important to leave a mark or the book of life remains empty. Metaphorically speaking, it is about hitting the billiard ball with the cue instead of talking online about the best way to hit the ball. Those who think they know everything might only be afraid of trying something new. There are direct and indirect methods, there are long and short ways to achieve something, there are straight or cumbersome approaches. Labeling one as correct and the other as incorrect, however, does not teach us much about the subject at hand. Shape your life with your horses Things are the way they are. You can learn from them, maybe you chose to act differently the next time, or you understand why you have preferred one method over another in a specific situation. You can only dispense with mistakes if you see them as nuisance and do not learn from them.
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Listen to your heart! Life is a bit like drawing without being able to erase. It is important to be courageous and leave a mark or the book of life remains empty. A first sketch can turn into something new; it can be modified, painted over, and embellished. Of course, there will be moments with your horse you do not enjoy or want to happen. However, these might be the moments that open your eyes, so you can see what the two of you really want.
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Therefore we have dedicated some space for critical self-awareness and to take down negative thoughts about your horse and yourself. So, you can waste precious time and energy with finding shortcomings and inadequacies in yourself and others. Success with horses Sometimes a lesson goes as planned, and sometimes you can reach your goal. Other times things do not go so well, and sometimes you take a wrong turn. However, even a wrong turn might lead you to discover a wonderful place you did not even know existed. These are moments that reflect the hidden treasure of a partnership between human and animal, moments that encourage letting your horse in to see your soul. Actors and observers alike can sense the union, the WE, and that this feels good and right. What is more, we believe that harmonious human-horse relationships do not depend on show moments that demonstrate a high level of technical perfection in Spanish walk, not even when treats are given.
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However, a simple step human and horse take together in unison can shine with harmony; it can make visible how two souls share the magic of the moment in inseparable unity when they become centaurs. So, we want to support you in finding your own way to profit from the unique relationship between you and your horse, and in discovering the rich treasure trove of shared experience. Self-determined learning One thing is for sure: We will not define each step of a process, and tell who has to perform which task at a certain moment in time. It is not about using templates from equestrian professionals, horse experts or show horse trainers. Mosaic of life We do not want to produce yet another copy that replicates a certain image but lacks substance.
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Listen to your inner melody We have a dream! We believe in developing your hidden skills that can lead you on a direct path straight to the core of the horse-matter truly dear to your heart. Outer appearance and shape are not what this is about but we are looking for the inner melody. What does this mean? Let us put it this way: A good text speaks to us, it plays on emotions, and sparks our imagination without wasting many words. A composition delights us if everything comes together to touch us emotionally. You can strum scales for decades without feeling the music or becoming a piano virtuoso.
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Equally, you can work with horses for years, and keep refining motion sequences. Ultimately, you might never find the innate perfection that lies hidden within the beautiful self of this very horse, and the magic that resides in this unique horse personality. Finding oneself Do you know this kind of fascination you feel when watching a spectacular show and when seeing perfectly staged scenes online or in glossy magazines? Consequently, many human horse couples, from beginners to professionals, appear a bit like empty shells. They try to portray something that is not in them, and become victims of their own pressure to succeed. Nevertheless, they are often presented as shiny example and sold as ideal image to the crowd.
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Reconnect with your inner child And then, there is this small girl you will meet every once in a while, or maybe she is the small girl that is in all of us, who does not care about appearance at all. She looks you in the eye, smiles, and truly feeling the moment shows her heart. She conveys her emotions to motions, and thereby to life itself. This girl is just there, and lets her horse be there as well. There is a sheer endless variety of successful combinations. Admittedly, there are natural laws and basic rules, and it might be beneficial to know at least some of them. They should not determine your actions, however, and debase yourself.
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Do not let them pressure you, or interrupt your flow. Try whatever you need because we all are different, and we all have different needs at different times. Think of it as pottering around, of spending time in a pleasant, relaxed and semi-active manner. You might be working on something without thinking about time or the outcome, maybe without ever finishing the task. In fact, there is no task because, in reality, there is no specific goal to your actions. It is only about pottering around, about celebrating the moment. You do a bit here, and then a bit there; just do whatever feels good for you and your horse.
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How is ADManager Plus licensed? ADManager Plus is licensed on annual subscription based on the number of Domains it would manage. Is it necessary to buy separate licenses for Child Domains? Yes, it is necessary to purchase separate licenses for Child Domains. Can I buy a consolidated license for an AD Forest? There is no option to buy a Forest based license. It is mandatory to buy licenses for individual domains you need to manage in a forest. Is there any restriction on the number of objects in an AD Domain? I have a domain spread over geographical locations, can I purchase one license and use it on all locations.!
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If you purchase a license, it can be installed in only one machine. Therefore a single license for the above scenario will not work out. Questions 5. ADManager Plus runs in a web browser. Does that mean I can access it from anywhere? Yes, you can connect to the ADManager Plus from any machine on the network through a web browser. No, ADManager Plus do not require any prerequisite software to be installed. Questions 8. Does ADManager Plus support multiple languages? Questions 9. Can I manage multiple Domains? During startup, ADManager Plus adds all the domains that it could resolve. You can also add Domains manually by clicking the Domain Settings link in the client. Can I manage domains of different forest? Yes, you can add domains belonging to different forests. The following are the advantages over Active Directory tools: Can create multiple users simultaneously. Can modify all the properties including Exchange and Terminal Services properties for multiple users.
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Web-based management. Questions What is a User Template? What is the advantage of using Template in Bulk User Creation? A user template contains the values of the user attributes defined in it. When you want to create user accounts with similar privileges and permissions, you can create a template with the common attributes and just change the values that differ, say the logon name, display name, etc. This saves your time and helps avoid any possible errors.
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Modifying a security role automatically delegates the permissions for the previously delegated objects as well. Can create as many roles as required and can be delegated as and when required. What is the difference between account disabled users and inactive users? The user accounts that are disabled by the administrator are termed as account disabled users. They do not have login permissions in the domain. Inactive users are those who have login permissions in the domain, but have not logged on to the domain for the specified period. What is the difference between account expired users and password expired users?
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The account expired users are those whose user account has become invalid. This may happen in cases where a temporary account is created for a specific period beyond which the account expires. The Password expired users are those who are not able to use their account as their password has expired. As a security policy, the users might be required to change the password within a specified period after which they may not be able to login using their old password. The password has to be reset for the user to login again. Want to learn more about ADManager Plus? Please enter a business email id By clicking 'Get Your Free Trial', you agree to processing of personal data according to the Privacy Policy. Your download is in progress and it will be completed in just a few seconds!
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