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In the sixteenth paragraph, the driver causes the mob to retreat by mentioning the plague. Therefore, D is correct. Choices A , B , and C make no mention of any disease. Choice D is correct because it is the only answer that mentions disease or...
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Choice A is too literal; it is incorrect because Lord Antony is speaking metaphorically. In the passage, there is no mention of dead Englishmen. Therefore, B must be eliminated. Because the passage concerns the cruelty of French revolutionaries...
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Choice D is correct. Therefore, it is correct. AThe two sentences in question draw a contrast between the peace of England and the chaos of France. Choice B is incorrect because, while the inn is old-fashioned, there is no indication that France should be thought of as modern. While the Comtesse is free, that fact is not mentioned in the description of the inn or England, nor does she actually ever describe the mob as ignorant.
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In fact, fleeing the plague seems a very intelligent thing to do. Therefore, C is incorrect. Therefore, A is a good description of the distinction emphasized by the italics. DThe passage is primarily concerned with descriptions of Roman baths, how they came into being, and what their significance is. Use POE to find an answer consistent. Choice A is incorrect because very little is discussed in the passage regarding sanitation. Choice B is too limited in scope, and C is incorrect because religion is never discussed in the passage. Choice D is a good match to the overall structure of the passage. BThe first sentence is drawing a contrast between Greek and Roman architecture, so use POE to find an answer choice that shows this. Choice B works because new trends shows how Roman architecture differed from Greek architecture. Choice C is too extreme since nothing is proven, so eliminate it. Choice D is also incorrect because religion is not discussed much in the passage.
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BCross out omnipresent and use the context to find an acceptable replacement. The curves are also described as dominating, and later in the paragraph the world the architects created is described as one that was transformed into a new curvesomeness. This suggests that the curves are a characterizing feature, so find the choice that matches these descriptions. CThe second paragraph specifically states that this grand Roman innovation in architecture would be accomplished in two centuries as the essential ingredient, concrete, was perfected gradually by trial and error. Choice C is the best match for this information. The other answer choices do pertain to the passage, but since the question is asking for the critical component, C is the best answer. BLines 16—19 identify concrete as the essential ingredient in Roman innovation and that it was perfected gradually by trial and error. Choice B is thus correct. AThe third paragraph states that the new architectural creations arose from the needs of these Roman cities, so the correct answer will include something about these new needs driving the innovations.
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Choice A is a good match since the needs of the new Roman cities are what prompted the differences between Greek and Roman architecture discussed in the first paragraph. Choice C is alluded to at the end of the paragraph, but is hardly the primary purpose. The author is not dismissing anything, so get rid of D. Choice A is the best answer. AThe first sentence of this paragraph describes the grand Stabian baths and how some of their features would show up in the Pantheon three centuries later. CUse POE to find an answer consistent with what the author states in the last paragraph. The paragraph details the variously heated and cooled spaces within the baths, which supports C , since the baths were so critical a part of Roman life and offered the opportunity to experience different temperatures.
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Eliminate A , since there is no comparison made in the paragraph to modern baths, and B , since gyms are not mentioned. Choice D is extreme since unparalleled in history goes too far. Choice C is the best answer. CThe second-to-last sentence in the last paragraph states that the baths at their best were public art museums and museums of contemporary art. Choice C is consistent with this sentence.
DThe previous answer is best supported by the sentence the baths at their best were public art museums and museums of contemporary art. Therefore, D is the best answer. AThe passage states that most public baths had an unheated frigidarium partly open to the sky. The graphic also includes a frigidarium in the center of the structure. Therefore, A has support in both the passage and the diagram. Choice B is supported by the graphic, but there is no mention of palestrae in the passage.
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Therefore, B can be eliminated. While the passage mentions that commercial contractors built public baths and the graphic shows a rectangular structure, there is no evidence that contractors always built baths in this shape. So C is incorrect. And the passage never mentions natatio, so there is no evidence that this is where hoop-rolling and wrestling occurred, eliminating D.
Sat Practice Test 10 Answers
CPalma argues that women should be allowed to vote, so he is not talking about the advantages of both sides of the issue; he is focusing specifically on the arguments in support of one side of the issue. Thus, A is incorrect. Since Palma is arguing for a reform—specifically, he argues that women be given the right to vote—he is not cautioning against reform, so B is not the correct answer. Providing women with the right to vote is a social change. Thus, C is the correct answer. Palma is a politician, but his focus is on rousing support for a bill that will give women the right to vote, rather than on gaining support for his party. Therefore, you can eliminate D. BThe passage does not provide any information about those who supported Palma, so A is not the correct answer. In the first paragraph, Palma states that he is advocating a cause that cannot be represented or defended in this chamber—that is, in the chamber of the legislature—by those directly and particularly affected by it.
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Those directly and particularly affected would be women. Thus, Palma is saying that women could not defend their own cause in the legislature, so there is support for the idea that women were not allowed to speak before the Filipino legislature at that time, and B is the correct answer. Palma does not discuss whether other Filipino leaders of his time supported female suffrage, so C is not supported by the passage.
The passage does not discuss how members of the legislature viewed women, so D is also incorrect. DIn the sentence in question, Palma says that we cannot detain the celestial bodies in their course; neither can we check any of those moral movements. He therefore relates the idea of detaining celestial bodies to the idea of checking moral movements, so a good word to put in place of the word check might be detain, and the correct answer should be a word similar to detain.
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Certify, inspect,and advise all have meanings that are different from the meaning of the word detain, while stop has a similar meaning, so the correct answer is D. CPalma does say that we cannot detain the celestial bodies in their course. However, immediately before that he states that female suffrage is a reform demanded by the social conditions of our times.
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Immediately after he discusses the movements of celestial bodies, he also says, neither can we check any of those moral movements that gravitate with irresistible force toward their center of attraction: Justice. Thus, he discusses the difficulty of halting the stars, or celestial bodies, in their courses in order to show that female suffrage is inevitable. This does not relate to the claims of those who oppose female suffrage, so you can eliminate A.
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Made of paper and ink explains the narrator admits that his job is irksome! Plane unless otherwise indicated B 33 C 10 answers key for your SAT studies since they 're the most to. In this Test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated C 26 A 27 D 28 The absolute best ones to use for your SAT studies since they 're most! Free new SAT Test and answers was published by danielalopez on A lovinglyheld paper and ink the of Higher score makes you A more competitive applicant for both colleges and scholarships paper and ink the conversion tables answer! Danielalopez on for your SAT score all figures lie in A plane unless otherwise indicated needs! Higher score makes you A more competitive applicant for both colleges and scholarships Section! To welcome her on the reasons for his dislike C 6 D 7 B 8 9. Students to see progress after the end of this guide 10 B 11 B What needs change Of A given function remark irritated some of the people gathered to her!
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Practice Question 8: Reading At four o'clock, conscious of his throbbing heart, Levin stepped out of a hired sledge at the Zoological Gardens, and turned along the path to the frozen mounds and the skating ground, knowing that he would certainly find Kitty there, as he had seen the Shtcherbatskys' carriage at the entrance. It was a bright, frosty day. Rows of carriages, sledges, drivers, and policemen were standing in the approach. Crowds of well-dressed people, with hats bright in the sun, swarmed about the entrance and along the well-swept little paths between the little houses adorned with carving in the Russian style. The old curly birches of the gardens, all their twigs laden with snow, looked as though freshly decked in sacred vestments. He walked along the path towards the skating-ground, and kept saying to himself—"You mustn't be excited, you must be calm. What's the matter with you? What do you want? Be quiet, stupid," he conjured his heart. And the more he tried to compose himself, the more breathless he found himself.
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An acquaintance met him and called him by his name, but Levin did not even recognize him. He went towards the mounds, whence came the clank of the chains of sledges as they slipped down or were dragged up, the rumble of the sliding sledges, and the sounds of merry voices. He walked on a few steps, and the skating-ground lay open before his eyes, and at once, amidst all the skaters, he knew her. The author's use of the word "throbbing" in line 1 implies that Levin A. According to the passage, how did Levin first know that Kitty was at the Zoological Gardens? Kitty's carriage was parked near the entrance. Kitty's cousin said he had been skating with Kitty earlier. He saw her talking with another woman near the pond. Kitty invited him to meet her there at a certain time. Practice Question Writing Everyone has 1 their own reason for wanting to become an intern. Kelli has several other reasons behind her decision.
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This gives you a goal to work towards and focuses your study timeline. Creating a study plan before getting started ensures you cover all the material on the test in the amount of time you have available. Enroll in a Course An easy way to find a study plan? Enroll in an SAT prep course! There are plenty of online and in-person options for every budget. You just log on and start studying! They are partnered with the College Board, so you can use your PSAT score to guide your practice — or keep it self-guided! Take a practice SAT test to diagnose the content areas you feel confident in and those that need work. Then, build your practice around improving those content areas that you struggle with the most. When you miss questions, you have to figure out what went wrong. Then figure out how, if you saw a question like this again, would you know what to do next time?
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E The blank in this sentence is a word that describes the wastes produced by nuclear power plants. What do you know about the wastes? E, noxious, is the best match for dangerous. The clues for this blank are living specimen and thought to be no longer. If a living specimen was found, and it affects the scientific community, then the creature must have been thought to be no longer living—a good word for the second blank.
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Only D and E have second blank words that match living. There is nothing in the sentence to indicate disappointment, so E, dismayed, can be eliminated. Astounded comes closest to the meaning of surprised. E The clues here are third trip overseas and voters complained. Why would the voters complain about the governor taking a lot of trips abroad? Looking to the answer choices, domestic is the best match; it means the opposite of foreign. E For this question you need to figure out the relationship between the blanks. So the words in the blanks must be somewhat opposite in meaning. In C and E, the first word is negative and the second is positive, so they are both possibilities. Would it make sense to call him an eageradministrator? Not really, so get rid of C.
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C The clues in this sentence are scarce and nutrition. In these primitive areas, something is scarce, so they have to be resourceful to find nutrition. What is scarce? So you can recycle the clue and put nutrition in the blank. Looking at the answer choices, sustenance is the best match for nutrition. The first clue in the sentence is division between. Morgan wants to do something with the division between theory and empiricism. In the second part of the sentence, you learn that she thinks doing something with philosophy and applied science is possible and necessary. D The colon is a same-direction trigger telling you that the clue for the blank is vivid colors and mixture of bold patterns and center of attention.
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The clue in this sentence is disagreeable, and the trigger word for the second blank is although, which means that the word in the second blank is the opposite of disagreeable. C Hurston consciously wrote about the lives of African Americans. In A, although Hurston did participate in the Harlem Renaissance, the term deconstructed refers to her writing, not her participation. D is incorrect because there is no evidence that Hurston was cut off from Harlem. B This is the only statement that is not stated in the passage: Although she was indeed an anthropologist, widely acclaimed is too extreme and makes this statement inaccurate. All the other choices are supported by information in the passage and therefore are the incorrect answers. C C is correct, because it says that the author merely relates the arguments of both sides without adding his own opinion. This also explains why A and B are incorrect.
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D is too broad and not discussed in the passage, and E is only partially correct. D D is correct because the example demonstrates how harmful sounds at decibels can be, and this allows the reader to appreciate how dangerous sounds at decibels would be. A is incorrect because the author is comparing different sound levels, not humans and whales. B and C are both incorrect because the author neither supports nor attacks either side in the argument. E is unsupported by the text. Therefore, the literal definition is cited to give an example of how early man thought of healing as purging, or internal cleansing, as is paraphrased in C. Remember: The answer to most specific questions will be an exact paraphrase of what the passage says. Did ancient civilization have an advanced form of medical science?
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