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As Christopher works to figure out who killed the dog, you learn a lot about his family, past, and neighbors. It soon becomes clear that the dog's murder is not the only mystery worth solving in Christopher's life. This story will draw you in, make...
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Talk about Christopher's relationship with his mother. How do the letters he finds help explain her actions? Is it easier for you to forgive his father or his mother? Why do you think it is so much easier for Christopher to trust his mother than his...
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time Questions And Answers
I highly recommend it for book clubs Lead your book club or class discussion of this clever tale using these questions. Spoiler Warning: These questions may hint at key elements in the plot, so be sure to finish the book before reading on. Did that frustrate you or draw you into the novel? Did the story help you understand people with autism any better? Talk about the relationship between Christopher and his father. Do you think his father does a good job of dealing with his behavior? Do you sympathize with his father's actions, or do you think they were unforgivable? Talk about Christopher's relationship with his mother.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time
How do the letters he finds help explain her actions? Is it easier for you to forgive his father or his mother? Why do you think it is so much easier for Christopher to trust his mother than his father? How does that reveal the way Christopher's mind is different? What do you think the illustrations added to the story? Did you enjoy Christopher's tangents? Was the novel believable? Were you satisfied with the ending? Rate this book on a scale of one to five. Miller, Erin Collazo.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time By Mark Haddon
Because they are all prime numbers and Christopher likes prime numbers and he is the one writing the book 2. We are often told that being logical and rational is the most sensible way to approach problems. Because many things to not make sense in life and therefore there is not logical or sensible way to deal with many things. What does this novel show us about the nature of truth? Yes the novel shows us that sometimes being honest and telling the truth can come across as rude for example telling people they are old, so sometimes you are just not meant to comment on ti 4.
Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time: Quizzes And Discussion Questions
What do jokes and lies have in common, according to Christopher? He cant tell a lie or a joke or understand when someone else tells a lie or a joke. Is kindness sometimes better than the truth? Yes because it is reassuring and you comforting the person that it will be okay but if u break the truth to them they might crack and break down 6. Common sense is just something you do because if you choose not to have common sense things usually turn out not in your favour and sensible is choosing the best option for your health but you can choose not to. What does the novel show us about the nature of trust?
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time
How does Christopher have his trust in his parents ruined? Do you understand his reactions? Yet can you see any personality traits that you have in common with Christopher? Yes often people think that people with syndromes are special and do not feel the same but as i can tell from this story they think and feel the same they just struggle to understand others emotions and feelings unless said straight up. What are his main flaws? Talents is maths and physics and space , flaws: reading peoples emotions and common sense and communication What are their flaws? The mothers flaw is that she keeps moving the furniture when vacuuming which annoys Christopher. And that she has very little patients and cannot hold her anger down for long especially with Christopher and his issues. But she still loves her son His dad is patient with Christopher although he often thinks of himself and tells lies.
Detective Fiction
Kahu and the Taniwha 1:What does the novel have in common with a detective story? That there is a mystery and that it is solved by the end of the book. And a boy finds clues to solve the mystery 2. How does the novel differ from a detective novel? Because he does not find clue to build up the answer we just get told the answer and many chapters are about the narrator and his little things about him and the way he thinks. Also that it is based on his true story.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog
Comment on how the writer uses chapter breaks — what effect do they have? They are short straight and to the point to keep the book moving. Find five examples of how Mark Haddon uses irony in his novel. But Christopher does very well on the math test, receiving an A grade, despite what he made everyone believe. When Christopher was in a flight with his father who knocked Christopher out ,we would believe that Christopher would be made at him or hit him back. But , when he conscious, his father apologises , and goes to make him some food.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time
That someone is made out of steal and is strong and mean and has power 2:What appeals to Christopher about detective stories? Can you explain why? Because you have to solve a mystery and it doesnt tell lies Chapter 11 1:Comment on the sort of minute detail that Christopher notices. What do you make of this? I think that the police woman had an injury from a previous investigation. How does Christopher try to find safety?
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Christopher did not like all the questions and it overloaded his brain so he puts his forhead to the ground and groans Chapter 13 1:Why are there no jokes in this book, according to Christopher? Yet why do we often find the novel funny? Because jokes do not make sense for Christopher and the book is funnt because of the way he puts his words Chapter 17 1: Why does Christopher feel calmer even though the police officer says he is under arrest?
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time: Questions Help!?
Because he had seen this on tv and knew what to do it was familiar to him 2:Why does Christopher find scientific facts — e. They are logical but you could never work out the rules even if you spent all your time thinking about it. Chapter 29 1:Why does Christopher find people confusing? Can you understand his confusion? Because people do a lot of talking without words , and people talk using metaphors , yes this can be confusing cause doing on thing does not mean what u think or what it meant when someone else did or said it 2:Why does Christopher find metaphors confusing?
The Curious Incident Quiz
Because you can not take the literally or they do not make any sense 3:Why does Christopher say the word metaphor is itself a metaphor? Because he like logic and order and likes the colour red. His father was not very specific and found a way around the rules so he didnt break them 2:What character qualities does Christopher have that would make him a good detective? Because they are not questions or answers and do not have a point 2:How does Christopher work out who his prime suspect is? He does a chain of reasoning Chapter 83 1:What makes Christopher think he would make a good astronaut? Do you agree that he would qualify?
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time Quiz
He is intelligent , he likes being alone , he is surrounded by the things he likes. Christopher likes math because it is a mystery that needs to be figured out not because its straight forward. Chapter 1:Rephrase the quotation from the ancient scroll in The Hound of the Baskervilles so that it would be easily understood by a modern reader. That you should not fear the past but just be very careful and take no risks in the future so then more people do not suffer 2:What qualities does Christopher admire in Sherlock Holmes? The principle is often invoked to defend reductionism or nominalism. What new elements are there, in terms of mood and situation? And humans think that everything they cant see is special. Do you agree that human feelings are just like a picture on a computer screen? Explain your answer. No because there is many things you can feel that cannot be expressed with a picture that are much more complicated than one picture and it could be a mixture of emotions.
Review Of "The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time"
Chapters 1:What are some of the ways Christopher finds to cope with the new and frightening situations he finds himself in? He does maths equations or puzzles or he sits down and groans or he tells himself it is a good day so he can take risks or he compares things to things hes done before so he has some sense of familiarity. What is understandable about his dream? The he wants everyone dead and the different ways he wants everyone to die except people like him , he does this because he likes to be on his own by himself and he can do anything he wishes and nobody can tell him no Chapter 1:What makes Christopher decide he has to go back to Swindon?
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time Answers
This means that you should never just repeat the words of the question to create your thesis. It also means that your thesis should be unique and stand out. Module B also asks you to understand how the characteristics of a text establish its distinctive qualities. Some distinctive qualities you might want to consider discussing include The murder mystery genre and its subversion The bildungsroman genre Structure, formatting, diagrams and images How to Analyse The Curious Incident in 3 Steps Analysis is the core building block of any essay.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time! Vocabulary I Quiz - Quizizz
In this section we will walk you through step-by-step doing incredible analysis! Step 1: Choose your example There are a few things to look for when you are choosing an example to analyse. Below are some questions you can ask yourself: Does the example include a technique? Does the technique show a relevant theme? Is there another example with a stronger technique? The paradoxical thing about choosing examples that the best example is not the example which states your idea the most clearly, but instead the example with a strong technique.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time: Questions Help!? | Yahoo Answers
You are better off choosing a quote which contains the same idea, but uses a metaphor or symbolism to express that idea. The humour of the situation actually highlights to us as the audience the absurdity of human communication. Step 3: Carry out your analysis There are two things to ask yourself when you are writing analysis Have I shown the effect of my technique and linked it to the idea? Have I progressed my argument in some way? Good analysis involves using a technique to say something in addition to what the quote says. Bad analysis is using a technique to restate what happened in the quote. The humour is therefore able to illuminate to us the deep complexities of how we communicate, revealing how difficult this communication would be to understand for those to whom it does not come naturally. You should organise all of your analysis you do for each idea or argument into a TEE table, like the one below: Looking for extra help with your textual analysis? We can help you master your HSC English text and ace your upcoming HSC English assessments with personalised lessons conducted one-on-one in your home or at our state of the art campus in Hornsby!
The "The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time" Quiz
To find out more and get started with an inspirational HSC English tutor and mentor, get in touch today or give us a ring on ! Brooklyn teaches our English classes at Art of Smart and has over 5 years of experience supporting Year 11 and 12 students throughout their HSC.
Exams 2021, Tests & Answers
Either way, these are the analysis skills you will need to use. I said I wanted to explain to you why I went away when I had the time to do it properly. Now I have lots of time. I was not a very good mother, Christopher. But that's just the way things turned out. I'm not like your father. Your father is a much more patient person. He just gets on with things and if things upset him he doesn't let it show. But that's not the way I am and there's nothing I can do to change it. Do you remember once when we shopping in town together? And we went into Bentalls and it was really crowded and we had to get a Christmas present for Grandma? And you were frightened because of all the people in the shop. It was the middle of Christmas shopping when everyone was in town. And I was talking to Mr Land who works on the kitchen floor and went to school with me. From Part One Before you go onto the next page, make some notes about what you could write about: Hints Think about the key words in the question 'present', 'mother'.
D: The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time Quiz
Think about this extract - how is Judy portrayed? Which of Stephens' key ideas are presented here? Family, honesty and trust, or braving the unknown? Highlight some key points. Think about the rest of the play and how she is presented.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time Chapter 11 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
The things that happen to Christopher happen to many people; in that way his story is not extraordinary. What is extraordinary is the difficulties he faces dealing with these things, and the way he overcomes his difficulties. He is our narrator, and we see the events of the story through his eyes. But to understand our story we need to understand our narrator; we need to understand why he sees the world as he does. What does this mean? Spend a lesson researching the word: what it means, and what others perceive it to mean. In groups, research how autism might impact on the following topics: Mathematics specifically the orderliness of certain types of calculations and numerical sequences detective fiction e. You will share your knowledge with the class in the form of a group presentation with Keynotes that can later be uploaded here for everyone to reference.
Discussion Questions For "The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time"
These questions are a mixture of questions designed to help you piece together the main plot developments, but also questions asking you for details of characters, their motives and feelings. Some questions also ask you to think about the way the story itself is told. All these questions should be answered in your notebook. The answers will all be important in some way in the assessments to follow. Curious Reading Questions As you are reading you should also be aware of some of the issues that could turn into essay topics. The document below contains some ideas.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time Short Answer Test - Answer Key
No one knows why and the condition has never varied in its intensity. So she is stuck in time. She knows this and vaguely resents it somewhat but gets on with things as best she can. Each case of autism is probably unique. My daughter has no facility with numbers or memory but she does with space. As far as I can tell any enclosed space appears to her as a kind of filing system which she can deci Coping With Conscience My 34 year old daughter is severely autistic, and has been since she was seven.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time Quiz 1
As far as I can tell any enclosed space appears to her as a kind of filing system which she can decipher almost instantly. When she was twelve I brought her into a cavernous Virgin megastore to get a particular CD. She had never been in the place before, but after standing in the doorway for three or four seconds, she walked immediately to the correct aisle and bin and picked out the desired CD without any hesitation.
How To Analyse The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time For HSC English
Most, like my daughter and Christopher, the protagonist of The Curious Incident, have no facility with purely linguistic manipulation - metaphor, lying, irony, jokes, complex allusion, actually fiction of any sort. The world is not just literal, it exists in a way that ensures words are always subservient to things and without imagination that it could be any other way. In my experience autistic people tend to become upset when non-autistic people attempt to reverse the priority by making things subservient to words. This makes the autistic person confused, anxious, and often angry. They appear resentful that such liberties can be taken with what is so obviously reality. This makes autistic people often difficult to live with.
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They insist and they persist about things which appear trivial to others. They nag and needle until they obtain recognition. In those areas that interest them, they are capable of splitting the finest hairs to avoid abandoning their perceptions of the world. They may on occasion conform in order to gain a point but they never really give in. They are stalwart in being, simply, themselves. Adaptation occurs elsewhere, not in them. It is, therefore, probably impossible for non-autistic people to live without tension among autistic people. The latter are maddening in the solidity of their selves. They are, in a sense, elemental, for all we know formed in the intense energy of a star in some distant galaxy. Fortunately, the fact that most of us cannot understand their elemental force is not something that worries them very much. Their emotional reactions may be intense but these attenuate rapidly, leaving little damaging residue. Ultimately, perhaps, autistic people are the conscience of the world.
What Is The First Line Of 'The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time'? - Answers
It was 7 minutes after midnight. The dog was lying on the grass in the middle of the lawn. In his review of The Curious Incident, Jay McInerney suggests that at the novel's end "the gulf between Christopher and his parents, between Christopher and the rest of us, remains immense and mysterious. And that gulf is ultimately the source of this novel's haunting impact. I've read the book, and I have brief analysis notes on some of the chapters, but I was wondering if there were any sites with detailed analysis for each chapter? Update: I have an exam on this book whereby we will be asked questions on the aspects of narrative of the The narrator, Christopher John Francis Boone is a mathematical genius but struggles to understand human emotions.
Mark Haddon : The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time Quiz
The novel is written as if Christopher is writing it for a class assignment. The Question and Answer section for The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. According to his father Christopher cannot do these 3 things. Christopher cannot hug, lie, or interpret facial expressions. In your exam, you may be asked a question about the whole text OR about an extract from the text as well as the whole text. Either way, these are the analysis skills you will need to use.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time Questions And Answers (Q&A)
As in most detective stores, a murder has already taken place at the beginning of the novel the murder of Wellington and the detective takes a look at the crime scene. Furthermore, he searches for clues. He finds out who the murder weapon belongs to, for example. He also questions people and then creates a suspect list. He inquires about the murder around the area it took place, talking only to those he logically suspects might know something. Like Holmes and others, he also has uncommon traits and talents.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time: Haddon, Mark: Books
That is why I am really good at remembering things. He does not focus on emotions, or try to understand them, preferring logic, not unlike his role model, Holmes. Finally, there is a confession scene, as there usually is in detective stories, and loose ends are tied up. It is worth mentioning that there is almost a second little mystery in the novel as well, as Christopher has to use his detective skills to find his book, which his father has hidden. After some reflection, it becomes obvious that The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is indeed a detective story; it cannot be disregarded because it is different than those readers are used to. There IS a detective who detects and there ARE clues to help the detective find out the truth about a mystery or mysteries, in this case. Share this:.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time Questions And Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver
For example, Christopher approaches emotional situations in a very logical way and analyses them without imagination and without emotional import. He knows what makes him secure and what terrifies him. For example he has a phobia of certain colours. He refuses to eat or touch anything that is yellow or brown. The number of red and yellow cars in a row decides what sort of a day Christopher is going to have. In Chapter 3, Christopher reveals that he can understand straightforward and obvious emotions like happy and sad, but not shades of grey and not multiple or fast-changing mood swings. Even when Siobhan drew the faces, images of which Hadden includes in the chapter Christopher is unable to identify the emotion if it is neither sad nor happy.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time! Quiz - ProProfs Quiz
As Hadden suggests, Christopher is emotionally isolated, which leads to social confusion. Haddon explains that Christopher copes best with situations and experiences when things are orderly For instance Christopher has a very rigid timetable. Christopher lacks spontaneity and copes best with situations and experiences when things are orderly and predictable. If a situation appears chaotic he needs to simplify it and rework it from a logical and familiar perspective.
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