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In addition to outlining your skills you should also wrap up your answer by asking the interviewer if they see you as a fit. This will allow you to reply to any red flags they may have about your candidacy. Rachelle's Answer "I feel that my blend of...
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When it comes to your experiences in your career, be sure to point out a few transferable skills or achievements. Yes or No Thank you, your vote helps us display the best answers. Would you be willing to take additional classes, after work, to get a...
Wastewater Practice Test – Questions And Answers
Talk less about the weakness you feel you have and more about what you have done recently to improve upon it. Rachelle's Answer "During a recent performance review with my current supervisor he brought to my attention that my documentation was sometimes too brief for his liking. He asked that I use more words when describing the situation so that the new operators would be able to fully understand what my notes meant. I have been making a conscious effort since then to ensure that my documentation can be understood by even the most junior of operators. Why do you believe water treatment plants are important? Answer this from the heart. Show your true interest in why you feel water treatments plants are necessary in our time. Rachelle's Answer "I feel that water treatment plants are so important because their primary purpose is to clear the water we use in our homes of solid materials.
Information For Written And Proctored Online Exams
It's environmental impact is incredibly important and they keep us safe from sickness and disease found in wastewater. Remember to go into as much detail as possible and really let your passion for the industry shine through. Hint: what happens in communities when water treatment plants are non-existent? Do you take pride in your work? Give me an example. Answer this in a heartfelt manner and give an example of how you show pride in your work. Rachelle's Answer "Yes, I take great pride in my work. The quality of water that goes out is of extreme importance and I take my job seriously. What are the two common processes for separating water and flock? You should answer this factually and as briefly as possible.
Practice Problems: Wastewater Treatment Operator Exam
Rachelle's Answer "The two most common processes for separating water and flock are sedimentation and filtration. I am very familiar with both processes and comfortable overseeing both. Have you had any on the job training yet? Be sure to give a full list of your previous on-the-job training and finish the question by asking what type of job training is offered in this position. Rachelle's Answer "In my current position I have had hours of additional job training. The majority of that training has been focused on treating contaminated water. I have been taught the operation and maintenance of all water treatment plant equipment and related piping.
Level 1 Wastewater Treatment Exam
I have also installed pumps and piping. Rather than starting your answer on a negative, I have offered a revision below. I am eager to gain more water treatment-related training from your organization.
Water Operator Certification Exam Prep (AWWA) (Levels 1-4)
Multiple Choice Questions Which one of the following statements is TRUE regarding polymers? Alum is frequently used along with an anionic polymer when dewatering anaerobically digested sludge using a belt press. Cationic polymers are high-molecular-weight organic compounds carrying a negative charge. A dry polymer is always a better choice for application in centrifuges than any liquid polymer solution. Because of its viscosity, a Mannich polymer may be difficult to pump. All liquid polymer solutions are harmless and need not require the examination of their MSDS sheets. When using alum to remove suspended solids from a secondary effluent, an important consideration is : a. The concentration of phosphorus in the secondary effluent. The consumption of alkalinity by the alum with a resultant decrease in the pH of that wastewater. Staining of concrete or other surfaces. The heat generated when the alum is mixed too rapidly. The toxic effect of aluminum in the secondary effluent.
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Which one of the following statements is TRUE regarding the various modifications of the activated sludge process? An MCRT of 5 to 10 days is typical for the oxidation ditch. Step-aeration also called step-feed involves decreasing the air being fed along the length of the aeration tank. Typical hydraulic detention times in the contact tank of the contact stabilization process need only be 0. F to M ratios of 0. Pure oxygen activated sludge floc often has a large population of rotifers. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the digester gas. The pH in the digesting sludge. The concentration of free copper ion in the digesting sludge. The ferrous and ferric ion concentration in the digesting sludge. Dissolved sulfide concentration. Phenylarsineoxide PAO is typically added to destroy nitrifying bacteria when running this test. Dechlorinated secondary effluents need not be seeded when set up for the BOD test.
Wastewater Treatment Level 1: Online Practice Exam
Nitrate ions interfere with this test. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding anaerobic digesters? Methane formers thrive in a pH range of 6. Much of the alkalinity in an anaerobic digester results from the reaction of ammonia, water and carbon dioxide during digester start-up. Regarding trickling filter operation which one of the following statements is TRUE? Series operation is appropriate for winter operation of two-stage trickling filters. Psychoda flies are more of a problem in low rate trickling filters than in high rate trickling filters. Decreasing the recirculation rate and letting a trickling filter dry out is a common method of controlling filter flies. It is commonly known that plastic media in roughing filters is no longer desirable because toxic plasticizer residues inhibit slime growth. Solids loading is in the normal range.
400+ TOP Waste Water Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers
This data likely indicates : a. This unit is operating normally. Too low a air to solids ratio. Float blanket too thick. Flight speed too fast. Flight speed too slow. Math Problems Given the information below estimate the heat value of the gas produced from an anaerobic digester in units of BTUs per day. Assume gas produced is measured at standard conditions. Raw sludge pumping schedule.
Water Treatment Questions And Answers
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Wef Wastewater Treatment Level I & Ii Operator Study Questions
Do you know the answers to these questions? What gas is heavier than air, is not detectable at high concentration, and is flammable? From class IA Exam 2. What is the normal detention time in the conventional activated sludge aeration tank? From class IA Exam 3. What are the top three injuries in wastewater in order? From class 2 Exam 4. How can a toxic waste be discovered in a treatment plant? From Class 2 Exam 5. Why does some of the suspended material in wastewater fail to be removed by settling in 1 hour? From class 2 Exam 6. What flow velocity is typically sufficient to prevent sulfide build-up in sewer lines? What is the odor threshold concentration for hydrogen sulfide? From Wastewater Mathematics Exam 9. What is the geometric mean of 1 and ? From Wastewater Mathematics Exam What is the population equivalent of an industry that contributes lb of BOD per day to a plant?
Wastewater Treatment Questions And Answers Pdf
From Wastewater Mathematics Exam Know the correct answers and review more questions. Click the button below to select the test you wish to take.
Questions And Answers - Wastewater Treatment
For a continuous flow type of sedimentation tanks A. Width of the tank is normally kept about 6 m B. Length of the tank is normally kept 4 to 5 times the width C. Maximum horizontal flow velocity is limited to 0. All the above 2. The asbestos cement sewers are A. Light in weight B. Not structurally strong to bear large compressive stress C. Susceptible to corrosion by sulphuric acid D. All the above 3. For efficient working of a sewer, it must be ensured that A. Minimum velocity of 0. A maximum velocity of 0. Both A.
Class 2 Wastewater Exam.
Neither A. ANS: C 4. Pick up the correct statement from the following: A. The sewer pipes of sizes less than 0. The sewer pipes of sizes greater than 0. The minimum design velocity of sewer pipes is taken as 0. All the above 5. Sewers are designed for minimum permissible velocity at minimum flow D. All the above 6.
WEF Wastewater Operators Practice Exam Flashcards -
D First of all, a facultative pond has an aerobic layer in the upper portion, and an anaerobic layer in the lower portion of the pond. The aerobic layer contains oxygen, while the anaerobic layer does not. This question is regarding the upper aerobic layer. In the upper layer, algae uses sunlight as a source of energy to consume carbon dioxide in the wastewater to produce oxygen. This process is called photosynthesis, which provides oxygen to the microorganisms to treat the wastewater. During the day, with the presence of sunlight, this process increases oxygen in the pond.
21 Water Treatment Operators Interview Questions
Towards the end of the day, there is a lot of oxygen available due to the algae. In contrast, a different reaction occurs at night because of the lack of sunlight. Oxygen is no longer produced by the algae. Instead, the algae consumes oxygen, and releases carbon dioxide. So, an opposite reaction takes place at night. Therefore, at sunrise, there is less oxygen in the pond because it is consumed by the algae during darkness. Furthermore, as a new day starts, the oxygen content in the wastewater increases again because the algae is using the sunlight to consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen. To clarify, this cycle repeats itself everyday. During the day, algae releases oxygen. C Dissolved oxygen DO is lowest at sunrise because the algae consumes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide during night-time and the dark, early morning hours. This process is called respiration. Without the presence of sunlight, the oxygen in the pond becomes depleted due to the algae.
Sewage Treatment Plant Interview Questions & Answers
We briefly discussed this earlier, in the answer to Question 1. However, when the sun starts to rise, the algae will begin to use the sunlight to consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This increases the oxygen level in the pond. At the end of the day, there is a lot of oxygen available. This process is called photosynthesis. In contrast, at night, algae consumes oxygen. When this ratio increases, it means that the acidity in the digester is increasing, which is a bad sign. In general, you want to avoid an acidic environment in the digester because it leads to upset. Otherwise, we will encounter operational issues.
Water Treatment Operators Interview Questions
Question 1. What Is Waste Water? How Is It Generated? Answer : Waste water is the water that emerges after fresh water is used by human beings for domestic, commercial and industrial use. This document will restrict itself only to the waste water generated due to domestic use. Washing involves the washing of utensils used in cooking, washing vegetables and other food items, bathing, washing hands, washing clothes. Grey water is easier to purify as compared to black water, i. Question 2. The total quantity No. In a vast majority of cases, the actual waste generated exceeds this figure comfortably leading to overloading of the STP. Consequently, when a device is installed and readings monitored, consumption has been found to be double and some times triple the suggested figure of lpcd. In this case water consumption is considered as 50 lpcd per person per shift.
Study Guides For Examinations, Math Problems And Practice Quizzes – Walkerton Clean Water Centre
Question 3. Answer : Waste water contains all the dissolved minerals present in the fresh water that was used and which became waste water as well as all the other contaminants mentioned above. These contaminants are degradable and use up oxygen in the degradation process. Therefore, these are measured in terms of their demand for oxygen which can be established by certain tests in a laboratory. Some chemicals which also contaminate the water during the process of domestic use also degrade and use oxygen and the test done to establish this demand which is called Chemical Oxygen demand COD.
Wastewater Treatment Questions And Answers Pdf
Sewage also contains coliform bacteria e coli which is harmful to human beings if water containing such bacteria is consumed drunk. E coli is bacteria that thrives in the intestines of warm blooded creatures such as humans, animals and birds. If sewage is allowed to turn septic, it then also has a strong, unpleasant odour. Question 4. Why Treat Waste Water? Answer : Much of the water used for domestic purposes does not require potable suitable for drinking water quality. In a scenario where fresh water is getting increasingly scarce and when enormous volumes of sewage generated in the country are not being treated ,but goes unchecked to pollute fresh water from lakes, rivers and the ground water table, it must be treated. Discharging untreated sewage into any drains other than an underground sewerage system, or into open land , is an offence and invites prosecution under the laws of all Pollution Control Boards in the country.
Personal Exam Self Tester (PEST)
In a scenario where fresh water availability itself is increasingly in doubt this is critical. Question 5. The second set of tanks will receive treated sewage which will be connected by plumbing to all the flush tanks in toilets and to other points where the water can be used for washing yards, floors and also for gardening. Question 6. How Is Waste Water Treated? Answer : Sullage grey water which is mentioned above, if collected in a storage tank separately can be treated by aerating it to prevent it from turning septic, and then dosed with a coagulant, chlorinated and then subjected to filtration by pressure sand filtration followed by activated carbon filtration and stored in a separate overhead tank or tanks from which it can be used for flushing toilets and other uses where fresh or potable water is not required. However, the current practice is to combine sullage and sewage black water and treat the mixture in an STP Sewage treatment plant.
Waste Water Engineering MCQ Questions & Answers | Civil Engineering
This practice has come in predominantly to reduce the cost of construction of two separate plants and because space is now at a premium in any building. Question 7. Answer : From the point of view of a resident it is worth considering as it enhances the water security of the resident. This enables the builder to save costs. Question 8. Answer : The most common problems encountered are listed below and are based on an informal survey of STPs including Water Treatment plants also carried out over the last 4 years.
23 Water Treatment Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes
Initial Start up of an STP failing to treat sewage: An STP is normally designed for the total sewage that can be expected when a building or premises is fully occupied. Full occupation in most cases usually takes up to a year or more. Many STPs which face this situation take a long time to stabilize and provide treated sewage, very often, due to poor or wrong operation, STPs do not stabilize. The smell is often very strong and quite often unbearable. It is caused by any one or all of the problems listed above. Very high noise levels from the STP: Quite often residents of an apartment building have sought help from experts to minimize the very high noise levels from their STP which they find unbearable throughout the day and more so at night, thereby preventing the residents from sleeping in peace.
Operation Of Wastewater Treatment Plants Volume 1 8th Edition Answer Key
Question 9. Answer : Modern designs for STPs which are modular are available from reputed companies which are in the field of water and waste water treatment. Such a modular approach also makes it possible to handle sewage in the case of a break-down of the STP as it is extremely rare for all modules to break-down together. In short, there is a stand-by always available. For several years now a few companies have been offering microbial agents which can help overcome these problems if these microbial agents are added to the incoming sewage. It is equally important to know and be able to control the volume of fresh water used in a community so that it does not exceed the design capacity of an STP. Control excess consumption of fresh water and thereby prevent overloading of the STP Builders are not expected to be experts in water or sewage treatment plant design, manufacture etc. They can however have tie-ups with reputed environmental engineering companies with sound technical experience and a proven track record, to make up for their lack of knowledge.
Study Guides For Examinations, Math Problems And Practice Quizzes
Most builders link up with small, obscure local companies with inadequate knowledge and expertise in waste and water treatment,but will put up something for an extremely low price. One of the major reasons for STPs not working properly is the fluctuations in input loads. Flow of sewage in a residential community is never uniform. It varies with peak flows in the morning residents getting ready to go to work , very low or almost no flows later in the day with another peak in the evening.
Wastewater Exam 01
Raw sewage is collected in a sewage balancing tank mentioned above which should be sized to hold at least 6 to 8 hours flow of sewage. This ensures that the sewage collected in the balancing tank is homogenized, thereby avoiding input fluctuations in input load on the STP. Do not compromise on the size of a raw sewage balancing tank.
Wastewater Exam Answers
High noise levels from an STP are due to the operation of electric motor driven equipment such as pumps, air blowers, air compressors, etc. The noise levels of such equipment is very high as compared to modern, world class pumps and rotary motor driven equipment now available in India. These modern makes are almost noiseless and extremely efficient. The old designs are also the cause of high energy consumption in addition to very high noise levels. As compared to these limits, the actual noise levels are likely to be as high as 75 dB or higher. To reduce noise levels and high energy consumption, it will be necessary to replace most of the critical rotary motor driven equipment with the latest noiseless high efficiency equipment. Such companies have constantly improved their designs to reduce the foot prints space occupied of their equipment and reduction in the power consumption of power by a very appreciable amount.
Sample Exam Questions
Unfortunately, residents have no say in this as they face up to this crucial fact when it is too late as the STP has been ordered probably even before the residents bought a home in the property.
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Download Application and Information forms. Training courses are presented throughout the state by the Rural Water Association. These training courses are excellent review prior to taking an exam. Many operators go to a class before taking an exam; however, it is not required. To register for classes presented by SD Rural Water, please click here. Applications for exams must be submitted to the department at least two weeks in advance of the exam date.
Multiple Choice Questions On Wastewater Treatment - Set 08
There are education and experience requirements to take any exam. Upon passing the exam, operators receive a certificate which must be renewed each year. Click here to view the schedule of exams. What kind of exam is given? ABC is a national organization that promotes the certification of water and wastewater professionals. If any examinee feels ill on day of exam, they are to stay home. Any examinees showing any symptoms will not be allowed to take exam and anyone showing symptoms while taking exam while be told to leave with exam being confiscated. Masks may be worn. Extra personnel will not be allowed in Foss Building or any other exam room. At 25 minutes before the exam start time, please lineup at the front door of the Foss Building on Capitol Avenue observing social distancing. A proctor will meet you at the front door and escort you to exam room. DENR rules require that upon entering the building, you must sign in and have your temperature taken. If you are late, you risk not getting into building to take exam.
2021 Standardized Wastewater Treatment Operator Exams
Please remain in parking lot or lobby maintaining social distances. At 20 minutes before the exam start time, please lineup at the front door of exam room observing social distancing. When exam room is ready, proctor will invite each examinee into room to an assigned seat with exam already in place. When you get seated, you are not to start your exam. You are to wait until all examinees are seated, exam instructions are given, and exam session will start. You must bring your own. If anyone wants a receipt, plse call or email rob. Examinees needing to leave exam room during exam such as bathroom use will be allowed to do so; however, only one person may leave at a time. After proctor gives OK, they will put answer sheet inside booklet and leave on table without proctor touching exam.
Wastewater Certification Practice Exam | Approved Environment Inc.
I am eligible for a Class IV exam but do not have a certification at the present time. You do not have to take the exams sequentially. You may take any exam that you are qualified to take according to your education and work experience. What subject matter is covered on the various certification exams? The ABC has a "need-to-know" job analysis and references for each of the exams. They provide the foundation for exam and training development. How do I use this? This is an individual breakdown on how you did on the various sections of the exam. South Dakota operators are taking the Standardized Exams as of January 1, Where can I obtain training materials?
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