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Correct Answer: G Explanation: In the eighth paragraph, the author states that for the next few months, I quietly plucked away at the music found in "The Real Book. The details in lines primarily serve to suggest the: A. Solution Correct Answer: A...
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Choice C is incorrect because the passage does not specify anything about the confusion and awkwardness of standard jazz chord values; it describes what elements jazz chords add to standard chord values. Solution Correct Answer: J Explanation: The...
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He played music with the author until the author turned 30 years old. He gave his copy of "The Real Book" to the author as a gift. He was at one time a member of multiple musical groups. He invented a chord and named it C-sharp diminished. Solution Correct Answer: H Explanation: The fifth paragraph identifies Victor as a member of the author's rock band as well as a member of a jazz ensemble. This makes choice H correct. Choice F is incorrect because the passage states that at age 30, it had been over a decade since the author and Victor had gone their separate ways. Choice G is incorrect because the passage states that the author bought his own copy of "The Real Book. The passage is best described as being told from the point of view of someone who is: A.
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It transitions into his own experiences learning how to play jazz and culminates with his early successes in doing so. Choice C is correct because it encompasses the various points of focus throughout the passage. Choice A is incorrect because the passage only occasionally refers to a chain of events and never establishes that the author has a jazz career. Choice B is incorrect because the author does not try to show that jazz is uncomplicated; he describes the hard work he put into learning its complexity. Choice D is incorrect because the central focus of the passage is the author's learning of jazz. Although the author's friendship with Victor relates to jazz, it is not the central focus of the author's discussion.
12 Helpful Tips To Boost Your ACT Reading Test Score
Solution Correct Answer: G Explanation: In the last few paragraphs, the author describes the process by which he struggled to learn jazz. He begins by seeing jazz as a cryptic message to decode but later describes himself as becoming comfortable and possessing a new melodic understanding. These details make choice G correct. Choice F is incorrect because the author never says that the book becomes annoyingly familiar by the end. Choice H is incorrect because the author identifies a difference between jazz sheet music and classical sheet music, but this detail does not enter his discussion of his experiences with "The Real Book.
ACT Reading Test - 3
The figure is beyond comprehension: Every year, 1,,,,,,,, 1 septillion snowflakes fall worldwide. As the crystals fall, they encounter different atmospheric conditions that produce 5 flakes with unique attributes. The more complex those conditions are, the more elaborate the crystals. Kenneth Libbrecht is a physicist at the California Institute of Technology. Snow crystals are indi. Beginning as condensed water vapor, a crysti:il typically grows around a nucleus of dust.
Act Reading Practice Test 1 Prose Fiction Answers
Its shape depends on how the six side facets- 20 or faces-grow in relation to the top and bottom facets. He believes this may have something to do with the ice surface's "quasi-liquid" layer, which affects how water molecules stick to the surface. Such experiments are helping him determine how crystals form. To avoid the laborious procedure that using such equipment usually entails, the two scientists decided to freeze the tissue they were working with and 40 look at it in the frozen state "One day it happened to be snowing," says Wergin, "and we were looking for a specimen. We imaged some snowflakes and were very surprised to see what we did. Rango now uses Wergin's electron microscopy data, along with microwave satellite data, in the Snowmelt Runoff 55 Model to predict the amount of water available in a winter.
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For western states such as Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming, about 75 percent of the annual water supply comes from snowmelt. Snowmelt water is critical to crop irrigation and hydroelectric 60 power, as. Rango is also looking ahead at climate change pre- 75 dictions. Temperature increases will likely result in a reduction in stream flow as overall snow accumulation decreases, winter precipitation runs 80 off as rain, and water evaporates at a quicker rate.
Answer Explanations For: ACT Form 1267C (67C), From Preparing For The ACT 2012-2013
The gap between water supply and demand will magnify even more, greatly increasing water's economic value, anticipates Rango. Not only does the crystal research help gauge 85 snowmelt, it is also useful in predicting avalanches, designing artificial snow, and, perhaps in the near future, examining air pollution.
ACT Reading Practice Test Free PDF 2021 Review Question Answers
It also helps to mark the location of important details in case you need to come back to it later. Highlight anything that appears important Look for words or sentences that reveal the opinion of the author or express the main idea of the paragraphs. You can also write important notes on your test booklets to help you remember useful details. Encircle or highlight 3 to 5-word summaries of each paragraph. You can also download it online.
ACT Reading Practice & Strategies
Now, find a spot to answer your ACT reading practice test. Get rid of any distractions and turn on your timer so you can check how you are doing. Make sure you answer all the ACT Reading test questions. You need to practice many times! It is a minute test that kicks off immediately after a minute break. The ACT Reading test contains four passages with 10 test questions each and has forty multiple-choice questions. As the test allows you to do the four ACT Reading passages in any order, you can start with the topic you are most familiar with. Always follow ACT reading comprehension procedure A. Read the passage and then write down notes next to each paragraph. Keep your attention on the topic as well as the purpose of the passage. Read each test question and pinpoint useful clues. Write down the keywords and references that can help you locate the answer. Predict the answer before looking at the answer choices.
Answer Explanations To The Previously Released 2015-18 ACT Reading Test
Go back to the passage for the vocabulary in the topic questions Most words can change meanings based on how they are used in a sentence. Never assume the correct answer is the common definition of the word. Check the passage again to find out how that word is used in the context. Predict a possible answer before looking at the choices Before looking at the ACT Reading answer choices, it is better to predict a possible answer by understanding the context of the passage. Then compare the answer choices with your prediction. This way, you can save time. Simplify complicated questions If you encounter a confusing or unclear ACT Reading test question, rephrase it. For instance, if you find Prose fiction passages easier than Natural Science passages, do the Prose Fiction first and tackle the Natural Science later.
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You might be able to understand the text via context in the ACT Reading test. Read them to make it sure you stay on the topic throughout. Related Topics:.
ACT Reading Practice Test 3
How can you practice for the ACT Reading? Where can you find ACT Reading practice questions? Is it even possible to practice for the Reading section? Read on for the answers to these questions. Also, a quick disclaimer: all of this information is for the current ACT. If there are any significant changes, we'll be sure to update this article accordingly. Currently, the ACT Reading section consists of 40 passage-based multiple choice questions each with four answer choices which you must answer in 35 minutes.
ACT Reading: Practice Tests And Explanations
The 40 questions are divided up equally among all the content areas. Unfortunately, there aren't really any good study materials for these paired passages out there yet - but more on that in an upcoming article. Because only official ACT questions will test you the same way the real test does. Part of what is difficult about the ACT is that it takes concepts everyone knows since it's standardized, it has to stick to standard knowledge and then asks about them in weird ways. Therefore, the best way to insure you get used to the weird ways of questioning is to do actual ACT questions. Well, to start out with, we've compiled a complete list of all the available free complete ACT tests.
ACT Reading Practice Test 3
You can also buy The Real ACT 3rd edition as well as ACT Inc's online prep program to gain access to additional official tests more about where you can do that in this article. Finally, the PrepScholar test prep platform integrates up to 5 offical ACT tests as part of your customized study program. What do I mean by this? Only that on test day, you'll be taking the Reading section third, having already spent the first two hours or so on the English and Math sections. In all likelihood, your brain will be tired, and you won't get a break from Reading questions partway through - you must do all 40 at once.
The ACT Official Guide Practice Test 3 Pdf Download
If switching back and forth between sections sound like it might be more up your alley, try reading our article on the differences between the SAT and ACT to see if the SAT might be a better match for you. Bottom line: I recommend not only practicing Reading questions in isolation, but also doing Reading questions as part of at least one full-length timed practice test so you can get used to what it will feel like to have your brain possibly liquefied by the time you get to Reading.
Act Reading Practice Test Answer Key
Additionally, make sure to take at least one practice test at the same time of day you would be taking the ACTual ACT I will never stop doing this so that you'll have a good idea of how tired you might be. For example, if you're not a morning person, an 8 am test might mean you don't pay as much attention when reading a passage, as compared to studying and practicing Reading questions and passages in the afternoon. If this is you in the mornings, then a practice Reading section done in the afternoon may not be the best gauge of how you'll do on test day. Failing to review your mistakes is the biggest mistake of all. To see real improvement in your score, you really need to get down into the nitty gritty of WHY you made the mistake. Do you tend to have problems with Prose Fiction passages, no matter what the question is asking? Maybe you struggle when answering inference questions on passages Line 42 primarily suggests that… , or finding the main point of a paragraph.
An Error Occurred
Identifying the types of questions you struggle with most is necessary for creating the most helpful study plan - there's no point in wasting precious prep time practicing questions you already know how to answer. If your problems are with particular types of passages, you're in luck - we have an article with detailed explanations of each of the types of ACT passages. Have problems with passage-based questions? You can also brush up your passage reading skills with our article on the best way to approach the passage on ACT Reading.
ACT Reading Practice - Practice Exam Passage With Answers & Strategies
Why did you make them? Don't just stop at surface explanations. Surface reason: oh, I just ran out of time for this question because it was at the end of the Reading section. I totally could have gotten it since it was asking about a detail that was really easy to find. This response is not helpful, because it doesn't make you learn from what you did wrong and if you don't learn from your error, there's nothing to stop you from continuing to mess up. Nitty gritty: I ran out of time because I spent too much time on the Prose Fiction passage and ran out of time by the time I got to the Natural Science questions. How can I avoid this in the future? I should figure out which passages are easiest for me and which are hardest, then make sure I start with the easiest ones since I don't have to do the section in order.
ACT Reading Practice Test Free PDF
Here's another example of possible reactions to getting a question wrong: Surface reason: There were two answers that seemed like they were kind of right, and I went with the wrong one. Oh well. Nothing I can do about that. A good start, but WHY did you go with the wrong one? You must look deeeeeeeeper. Next time, I'll really focus on exactly what the question is asking and make sure I answer the question based only on the information in the passage, not based on my outside knowledge. For even more detailed advice and suggestions on how to make sure you review mistakes in a way that improves your score, read my article here. Action Plan 1. Get official tests to practice from. Learn the way the ACT asks you about concepts to avoid tripping up on questions you know the answer to.
ACT Reading Practice Tests
Practice under realistic conditions. Don't neglect to do timed reading sections as well as full-length practice tests, so you can get used to switching from Reading to other subject areas and back to Reading again. Mark questions you are unsure of when you are taking the test. Review your mistakes so you can pinpoint your higher level weaknesses and drill them. If there's a particular type of question you tend to mess up on, focus your studying on that skill type. Do it all over again: never give up [your test prep], never surrender. For more guidance and suggestions that might work for you, try reading our articles on how to get a 36 on ACT reading and tips from a 36 full scorer.
ACT Reading Practice Question 3: Answer And
If you're really struggling with your prep, consider getting a tutor to help you structure your study and learn missing content. Contrary to what ACT Inc claims, the Reading section is much more about critical thinking skills than it is about knowing a particular curriculum, which means content-focused tutoring isn't necessarily helpful. However, it can still be helpful to get a tutor to help you create a structured study plan. On a completely unrelated note, one magnificent option for online tutoring can be found right here. Get off the struggle bus and taxi to success with these strategies! Go to the PrepScholar blog for articles targeted to each type of ACT Reading Question as well as articles about answering paired passage questions.
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Act Reading Practice Test Answer Key
The Academic Reading test is considered a bit tough as compared to the General Reading test. The books come with answers and extra explanations, audio for the Listening tests, tapescripts, sample Writing answers and an example Speaking test video so they are ideal for self-study. Read a text about UK student visas and answer questions. Henry Moore was born in Castleford, a small town near Leeds in the north of England. Answer the questions below by writing the letters of the appropriate restaurants A-C in boxes on your answer sheet. Which paragraphs contains the following information? Write the correct letter A-I in boxes on your answer sheet. Marks and results. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The test is played once only, and the questions for each section must be answered while listening, although time is given for students to check their answers. Which paragraph contains the following information?
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