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They split what they acquire between them, selling some things on the Black Market. Describe the narrator. What is her family situation? Who is Gale? What is the Hob? How is the reaping system unfair? How does it work? What is a tesserae? What are...
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Madge gives Katniss a pin symbolizing District 12, a mockingjay bird. Katniss and Peeta are then taken by car to the trains station where they are greeted by reporters. After time to clean up, in what to Katniss is luxury, she has dinner with Peeta...
The Hunger Games Questions And Answers
Why is Effie Trinket still with Peeta and Katniss? What is an Avox? What penalty is levied on them? What does Haymitch think of Peeta and Katniss hand holding? How did Katniss know the avox? Compare and contrast the incident with the read head girl with the Hunger Games. The tributes from District 12 meet the others for the first time and Katniss assesses them. Only one other tribute is specifically identified, Rue, a small 12 year old girl from District Why would meeting the other tributes make Katniss queasy?
The Hunger Games Quiz
How does Katniss react? The effect she can have. What advice does Haymitch share with Katniss and Peeta? What does Haymitch demand of the District 12 Tributes in public? What skills do they learn in training? Who are the Gamemakers? Finally, at dinner, when she tells the others of her actions, the stylists, Haymitch, Peeta and Effie are shocked. Peeta too felt he had been ignored by the Gamemakers. Haymitch announces a change in strategy regarding Peeta and Katniss. What does Katniss believe will be the consequences of her actions at the private audition with the Gamemakers? What is the significance of the score given to each tribute? How did Katniss meet Gale? How did the become a team? What role does Gale serve for Katniss? What change in plans does Haymitch announce to Katniss? The strategy for Katniss is essentially to be her self and we sense the respect Katniss has for Cinna.
Comprehension Questions For Hunger Games
After a tantrum in her room, the red headed avox girl comes to clean the mess and we sense an understanding between the two of them of the traumatic event from their past. During his interview, Peeta finally lets his feeling for Katniss be known. What is Effie working with Katniss on? What is the point of the interview? Why is Katniss having so much trouble with it? What understanding does Katniss reach with the read head avox? How are age and appearance norms different in the Capitol? What bombshell does Peeta drop in his interview? Neither can sleep the night before the Hunger Games. On the roof of the training center, the two meet and Peeta expresses his need to be true to himself while still putting up a fight. Katniss for the first time expresses the confidence that she can survive the games, but she too understands the effect the Games can have on Tributes, citing the example of Titus from District 6 the previous year.
The Hunger Games: Chapters 25-27
How did the plan develop? Why do the games start at 10 am? Who is Titus? How did cannibalism play with the audience of the Capitol? What happened to the arenas after the Games? Chaos ensues, and Katniss narrowly escapes death and makes it to the woods to camp for the night. Katniss is shocked to learn that Peeta has joined in an alliance of Career Tributes that are hunting down the lesser tributes.
The Hunger Games: Study Guide Questions, Chapters 1-27
I teach 8th grade, but have students whose reading level range from 3rd to 12th grade. Teaching a book like The Hunger Games, a book that can lend itself to so many different reading strategies and is also high interest is a real find. Below you will find some study guide questions I composed. I tried to have them cover the range of students found in my classroom. Below in an excerpt of the questions. Over the next few days, I will post the rest of the questions along with other project ideas from my unit. Maybe not tomorrow though…. Describe District What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing? Why does she need to do this? Describe the relationship between Gale and Katniss.
The Hunger Games
Do you have a relationship like this in your own life? What is the reaping? Do you think this practice is fair? Who is selected at the reaping? Chapter 2- 1. How does Katniss save her sister from the reaping? What kind of person do you think Peeta is? What evidence from the book led you to come to this conclusion?
The Hunger Games Unit: Study Guide Questions Chap 1-7
Chapter 3 1. What instructions does Katniss leave for her mother? How do you think this man might of influenced his son? What advice does Gale give Katniss about surviving the games? Chapter 4 1. Do you think Haymitch will be helpful as a mentor? Why or why not? What happens to convince Haymitch that Peeta and Katniss might be fighters? Chapter 5 1. The presentation of the tributes seems to be greatly focused on visual presentation and looks — what does this reveal about the belief systems of the Capitol? Compare and contrast life in the Capitol to life in District Chapter 6 1. What is an Avox?
Hunger Games Study Guide Questions
What prevents tributes from jumping off the roof? Why do you think this is in place? What reasons would Peeta have for being curious about Gale? Chapter 7 1. What are the pros and cons of Peeta and Katniss being coached together? What reasons does Peeta give for thinking Katniss will be better than him in the arena?
The Hunger Games Multiple Choice Test Questions
Chapter 14 Questions! Who helps Katniss escape from the Careers? Rue helps Katniss escape from the careers. Rue was on the other tree across. She warned Katniss about the tracker-jackers. Katniss had to get out of there so she got an idea buy swung the branch that was with the tracker-jackers. After she did that the tracker-jackers fell on the careers and started running. Katniss got a chance to get down and escape. What does Haymitch send Katniss? Haymitch sends Katniss a small pot of ointment. The ointment helps relieve the pain from her burn. Katniss was so happy he gave her that gift. She went on and put the ointment. It felt cool of sensation. What does Katniss get from Glimmer's body? Why is this so important to her? Katniss gets bows and arrows from Glimmer's body. She has to take them away fast so the hover craft won't get her and Glimmer. Its so important to her because now she has her own weapons and she knows she is really good with them.
The Outsiders Chapter 9 10 Reading Comprehension Questions
What does Peeta do when he finds her? When peeta finds Katniss he is mad because she still is there. He tells he to run really fast. Katniss was confused because she couldn't believe peeta had saved her life. What are the effects of the tracker jacker stings on Katniss? The effects of the tracker-jacker stings on Katniss is that she is hallucinating. She is seeing things that are obviously not there. She sees ants crawling all over her body. She is also tripping and falling everywhere. Posted by.
Hunger Games Chapter Questions
It was held before a live audience at the Academy and broadcast throughout Panem. At the time of these Games, the Games were not generally popular with citizens of the Capitol and these interviews were an attempt to change that, along with the introduction of the mentorship program, as well as sponsorships and betting on the tributes. It was hoped that by getting to know the tributes better, the audience would become more interested in their fates. The mentors also appeared alongside their tributes for these interviews, due to the newness of the mentorship program, which for these games featured top-performing students from the Academy.
Hunger Games Chapter 1-6
Before the interviews were even held, a number of tributes had already died, many of them in an explosion during a tour of the Capitol Arena. Thus, there were only a limited number of interviews and each tribute and mentor pair were given a maximum of ten minutes. Lysistrata Vickers had her tribute, Jessup Diggs , lift her over his head to demonstrate his strength.
The Hunger Games Chapter Questions
Io Jasper 's tribute, Circ , revealed that he could start a fire with his glasses and Io suggested angles and times of day that would be conducive to this. Juno Phipps admitted that she was at first disappointed to get the male tribute from District 8 , Bobbin , until he told her that he knew five different ways to kill someone with a sewing needle. The girl from District 4 , Coral , put on a show with a broomstick to demonstrate how she might kill using a trident. Domitia Whimsiwick engaged the interest of the crowd by having her tribute, Tanner , talk bout his experience in slaughterhouse techniques. The two appeared together, Coriolanus in a neatly pressed uniform and Lucy Gray Baird in her rainbow dress which had been expertly repaired and spiffed up by Coriolanus's cousin, Tigris. Coriolanus knew that the song would make sponsor gifts pour in for her, but the song also made him deeply jealous, due to its reference to a lost lover.
The Hunger Games Questions And Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver
Some of the noted ones were: The girl from District 1 , Glimmer , was described as very beautiful and sexy. Katniss also notes that her mentor probably didn't have much trouble thinking of an angle of approach to make herself seem a good bet. She wore a translucent gold silk dress in the book, though in the film she wore a short pink dress. In the movie, when asked if she was prepared, she responded, "Yes, Caesar, I am very prepared. He was said to not be the sharpest tool in the shed in the Tribute Guide. The girl from District 2 , Clove , was arrogant and sarcastic, but also sweet. She wore a pretty orange dress. The boy from District 2, Cato , was noted as a monstrous, ruthless killing-machine. He said he was determined to win for his district. He wore a black suit. The District 3 male's interview was said to be nothing special. In the film, you can see him waiting in line wearing a yellow suit.
Hunger Games Questions And Answers By Chapter
The girl from District 5 , nicknamed Foxface , was sly and elusive. She spoke very little but when she did Katniss noted that she was quiet. In the film, it was shown that she talked fast and used many intelligent words, such as "evaluate" and "conclude". Her outfit was a strapless blue dress. She said; "I find that if I can apply myself to the situation present, I will be able to figure it out. It is also possible because on the map, the area where five is full of finches. The crippled male from District 10 was very quiet and shy. The girl from District 11 , Rue , was not very shy, saying her best strategy is her speed, saying "If they can't catch me, they can't kill me.
"Catching Fire" Discussion Questions & Section Summaries
So don't count me out. In the movie she wore a short blue dress. The boy from District 11, Thresh , was very huge and attempted to answer the questions with single yes or no answers. Katniss thinks that if she had any money, she would bet on him. Katniss and Peeta wait for their interviews to begin. Katniss Everdeen , the female tribute from District 12 , was very nervous and couldn't think straight during her interview. Her stylist , Cinna , told her to be honest and pretend like the interview questions are coming from him to calm her down and throughout the interview, Katniss reminded herself to be honest.
The Hunger Games Quizzes | GradeSaver
She won the Capitol over by showing off her outfit and twirling around, making her look beautiful. She said that her favorite thing about the Capitol was the lamb stew and that she would be trying to win the Hunger Games for her little sister, Prim. She had a dress in which the bottom was fabricated and made her look like she was on fire when she twirled. Peeta Mellark , the male tribute from District 12, won the Capitol over with his looks and sense of humor. He joked and asked Caesar Flickerman if he smelled like roses. He makes a joke about the showers in the capitol, and Caesar states that Peeta is "charming and has a wonderful sense of humor.
The Hunger Games Chapter 2 - Quiz
In the film, the following tributes were not seen having an interview: the tributes from Districts 3, 4 , the male from District 5, the tributes from Districts 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 and Thresh. Peeta and Katniss both appear for the post-Games interview. Katniss is told by Haymitch Abernathy that they must act as though they are madly in love and that she would rather have died than to lose Peeta. Due to their heroic "berry scene," President Snow is not very happy with them for showing them up.
Tkam Chapter Questions And Answers Quizlet
Katniss is dressed as an innocent young girl in a yellow dress that resembles candlelight to draw attention away from her rebellious actions. They show highlights of the whole Hunger Games and it is especially hard for Katniss to re-live. When President Snow gives the crown to Katniss, he gives her a venomous look and she knows that he will get revenge on her. Victory Tour Peeta proposes to Katniss. To wrap up the Victory Tour , there is an interview with Caesar. During, he asks how the victor is doing. During the interview in Catching Fire, Peeta proposes to Katniss. This was Katniss' idea and was the signal for a planned uprising in District 8. Each victor reaped for the 75th Hunger Games participated in an interview with Caesar as is customary, a process not new to any of them.
Economics Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 2
Most complained or showed sadness of the fact that they would have to participate in yet another games, while some, mainly the careers, boasted of their fame or showed the same bloodlust as before. Some notable interviews include: Cashmere District 1 interview 75th Hunger Games. In the film, both she and Gloss go up at the same time, probably due to them being siblings.
The Hunger Games: Study Guide Questions, Chapters - Novel Novice
During the interview, Caesar states that both she and Gloss turned the Hunger Games into a family affair and became "everyone's brother and sister". In addition, Cashmere speaks after Gloss does. Gloss thanked the Capitol for their kindness to him and his sister, said that the Capitol people were his family, and that he was not dying by choice.
In the film, both he and Cashmere go up at the same time, probably due to them being siblings. During the interview, Caesar states that both he and Cashmere turned the Hunger Games into a family affair and became "everyone's brother and sister". In addition, Gloss speaks before Cashmere does, telling the audience that he and Cashmere "are not going in by choice. You are our family. I don't see how anyone else could love us more.
Download Hunger Games Chapter 18 Questions And Answers:
In the film, Caesar states how he has contributed so much to Panem over the years and he does not know what will be missed more: "you or your brain? Beetee's interview 75th Hunger Games. Finnick Odair read a love note to "his one true lover in the Capitol". According to Katniss, almost all the women fainted, thinking that they were the subject of his poem, which was indeed, Annie Cresta , his one true love. Johanna's interview 75th Hunger Games. Johanna Mason asked if it really is impossible to do something about the situation of the Quell, seeing as when the twist was first written, it was not taken into account the bond that would inevitably form between the victors and the Capitol. In the film, she instead expresses her anger at being forced to fight in the games again. Seeder quietly pondered about how the people of District 11 all think of President Snow as being an all-powerful leader and asked, "If he is so powerful why doesn't he just change the Quell?
Chapter 14 - The Hunger Games
The Mockingjay dress. Katniss Everdeen unexpectedly put on a show to spark a rebellion. Her wedding dress surprisingly turned into a mockingjay at the end of the interview as designed by Cinna. This lead to Cinna's death the next day. Prior to her interview, Cashmere made fun of the dress. In the film, it was Johanna who made fun of the dress. However, when she learns that President Snow forced Katniss to wear it, she says "Make him pay".
Suzanne Collins : The Hunger Games Chapters 26 - 27 Quiz
Peeta's interview 75th Hunger Games. Peeta Mellark had the same enjoyable back-and-forth with Caesar as the year before. He talked of his secret marriage with Katniss back in District 12 and revealed her pregnancy, both fake, but the latter being in order to get the audience's sympathy to keep their faith in the couple. Victors holding hands. At the close of the interviews, Peeta and Katniss led the victors in a spontaneous show of unity by holding hands.
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Some, mostly the career victors, are reluctant at first, but eventually all the tributes joined in to form an unbroken line, sending the crowd into a chaotic uproar. The chain of hands, though seen to some as a symbol of the victors' friendship and the first public show of unity among the districts since the Dark Days , was meant as a symbol of rebellion, saying that even the dreadfulness of the games couldn't sever the bond the victors had formed nor destroy the united strength they held. Nonetheless, this did not stop the tributes from battling to the death once the Games began the following day. The 50th Hunger Games During these interviews, as Katniss and Peeta watched them on the train, Katniss noted it as being overwhelming due to the high number of tributes.
Hunger Games Chapter 1 Quiz
I hope you have enjoyed the book as much as I did, and I hope that the follow-up questions helped your child better understand and enjoy the story! Peeta picks up his knife, Kat her bow and arrow, and Peeta throws his knife in the lake. Kat is ashamed. They plead with each other to be the one who dies. You are both winners! She gets up, goes outdoors, goes to find Peeta. Her skin and nails etc.. Haymitch is pleased. For the audience? Why do they decide to both eat the berries? Explain why Kat is now in danger. Does her explanation please the Capitol? How do you think Kat truly feels about Peeta at the end of the story? As always, playing math games at home is a great way to reinforce math skills learned in school. Have questions or ideas about this story? Have ideas for future Parent Homework Help stories?
Chapter 14 1. What is different about the wasps found in the Hunger Games? Tracker jacker stings can raise to a lumpthe size of a plum. People react different to their stings, but some can get killed after one sting. These hallucinations could lead to madness. How does Katniss disperse the Career Tributes? What was the result?
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