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Dally agrees that it is. Thinking back on the story, do you believe the trouble they are all in is because of her? Explain what Pony means when he says Soda "reminds me of a colt" on p. Soda reminds Pony of a colt because he is At the end of the...
- [DOWNLOAD] The Outsiders Chapter 1 3 Questions And Answers
The story is placed in Oklahoma during the s. In the first chapter, Ponyboy introduces himself and gives a brief history of his family. He also describes the relationships between his gang members, and the relationships within his own family....
The Outsiders
Walking home alone is dangerous because the rival gang, the Socs, could easily attack him. The Socs, short for Socials, are "the jet set, the West-side rich kids," who are from upper-middle-class families. Ponyboy explains that the gangs are "just small bunches of friends who stick together, and the warfare is between the social classes. As he attempts to fend off his attackers, Ponyboy hears the pounding of footsteps and the attack turns into an all-out fight as his gang arrives to rescue him from the Socs' attack.
The Outsiders Summary And Analysis Of Chapters 1 And 2
Ponyboy's two brothers, Darry and Sodapop, along with their four other gang members, chase the Socs away; Ponyboy escapes with cuts and bruises. Analysis The narration of this story by a year-old boy allows for the novel to be written in an easy-to-read format. The first chapter introduces three major themes immediately. An outsider's view. Many of the characters feel like outsiders and believe that life isn't fair to them, but the novel shows that the reality is a matter of perspective. Whether someone defines himself or herself as an outsider or insider depends on his or her personal perspective or viewpoint. Life from an outsider's perspective is not only one of the main themes, but the one for which the novel is named. An outsider sees things differently than someone who is directly involved in a way of life.
The Outsiders Chapter 7 Comprehension Questions
The East Side greasers are "outsiders" to the West side of town, the "rich" side. To an outsider, West-side life can look very appealing, but it is unappreciated by the Socs who live there. Ponyboy says of the greasers, "We're poorer than the Socs and the middle class. I reckon we're wilder, too. Not like the Socs, who jump greasers and wreck houses and throw beer blasts for kicks. Pony and the rest of the greasers must deal with the hardship in their own lives, while the Socs enjoy all the advantages of class privilege. This "life isn't fair" theme is prevalent throughout the book and concerns the issue of inclusion versus exclusion, of fitting in. The idea that life is not fair is a matter of perspective. In this chapter, Ponyboy analyzes the Socs' lives through his own eyes, an outsider's perspective, which can only see and understand one view.
The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton- Chapter One Quiz
After the Socs attack Pony, he thinks, "I had just as much right to use the streets as the Socs did, and Johnny had never hurt them. Why did the Socs hate us so much? Family love and the intricate relationships that are forged therein is another theme touched on in Chapter 1. During adolescence, many people begin to examine their own roles in their family structures. Ponyboy's relationship with his two brothers symbolizes the traditional dual-parent relationship. Darry has taken over the role of the father, the disciplinarian and the rule maker; Ponyboy even notes a physical resemblance between his real father and Darry. Sodapop has become the nurturing mother; he always sticks up for Ponyboy and tries to explain Darry's love for him. Also an issue within any family is an individual's own expectations of other family members. For example, in the novel, Darry wants Ponyboy to get all A's and expects nothing less. However, Ponyboy wants Darry to be supportive, regardless of the grades he receives.
The Outsiders Chapter 6 Questions And Answers Quizlet
Colors in a black and white world. This theme focuses on a teenager's tendency to see only the extremes of an issue, not the gray areas. This idea underscores many issues that affect an adolescent's life. The third theme of colors in a black and white world is important in building the depth of the novel. Teens often see only two sides — black and white — of every issue. The author's use of colors not only helps the characters begin to see the middle range, but also enables the reader to discover the many layers in this book. Describing Dally, Hinton alludes to the color range: "The shade of difference that separates a greaser from a hood wasn't present in Dally.
The Outsiders Quiz 1
Generally, she associates warm colors with the Socs and cool colors with the greasers. Warmth usually is equated with inside and cool is associated with outside, and the colors reflect the characters' positions in society: The greasers view the Socs as insiders and themselves as outsiders. The cool colors representative of Ponyboy's gang emphasize that they are continually forced to be outsiders looking in.
The Outsiders Questions And Answers
In Hinton's original descriptions of Ponyboy's gang, she uses primarily cool colors. Ponyboy's eyes are greenish-gray, Darry's eyes "are like two pieces of pale blue-green ice," Dally's hair "was almost white it was so blond" and his eyes are "blue, blazing ice, cold with a hatred," and Two-Bit Mathews has gray eyes. However, in describing Soda, she acknowledges that his hair color changes in the summertime. By giving readers such extreme details of hair and eye coloration, the author suggests that perhaps the greasers primarily see the world through a filter of chilling inequity. A minor theme prevalent throughout Western literature and established here in Chapter 1 is the power of three.
Lesson: Chapters 1-3 (The Outsiders)
This is a dominant theme found in many fairy tales and much folklore, and thus it makes sense that it would also appear in the narration of a story told by a year-old boy. Hinton introduces the theme here with the three brothers. Together they have the strength to be a family and face the challenges that the world offers. Note that as the novel opens, Ponyboy, one of the three brothers, is alone and thus more vulnerable than if he were with his two brothers. Glossary Paul Newman b. Corvair a Chevrolet automobile model.
The Gilded Wolves
Who is the narrator of The Outsiders? The Outsiders Answer Key Chapters 1 Ponyboy: has long light brown hair that is close to a red color, Greenish-grey eyes, is 14 years old. Both his mother and father died in a car accident. Compare the two groups. Match the character descriptions with the characters found in The Outsiders. In their first one-on-one interaction, Ponyboy realizes how much principle means to Cherry: "Cherry had said she wouldn't drink Dally's Coke if she was starving, and she meant it. Johnny is in a horrible condition because when they got to the hospital … His hair was almost white it was so blond, and he didn't like haircuts, or hair oil either, so it fell over his forehead in wisps and kicked out in the back in tufts and curled behind his ears and along the nape of his neck.
The Outsiders Multiple Choice Test Questions
The Outsiders by S. Give examples from the story to support your response. As they near the ends of their lives, however, Johnny becomes strong and Dally … Start studying chapter 9 outsiders questions. The girls invite Ponyboy and Johnny to stay with them, to protect them. Ponyboy describes him as having "an elfish face, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin, small, sharp animal teeth, and ears like a lynx. He wonders if other girls act the same. They talk about why Soda dropped out of school: "'Cause I'm dumb. He relates to Pip, the main character, because "he felt marked lousy because he wasn't a gentleman or anything. Who are the greasers? Ponyboy and the rest of the greasers usually stick together and help each other if one of … 2. It had a blood stain on it, and there were more stains across the grass; they then saw Johnny, "a dark motionless hump on the other side of the lot.
"The Outsiders" - Chapter 3 Quiz | 10 Questions
Soon Dally comes back with Cokes, but Cherry throws hers in his face. Our online the outsiders trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top the outsiders quizzes. All activities are classroom tested and include creative handouts, information sheets, detailed instructions, templates, and rubrics! Johnny is meek, fearful, and childlike, while Dally is hard, cynical, and dangerous. He is a wisecracker who always has to get in his two-bits; Keith Ponyboy notes that Johnny is the only one of the gang who could stand up to Dally without getting punched, since "he was the gang's pet. He works as a roofer. Hinton's first novel. Responses will vary p. The Outsiders Wednesday, May 23, Drive a car. Who are the Socs?
The Outsiders Discussion Questions Answer Key
Why do you think Rosie, Olemaun's half-sister, would not share anything about her four years at school? The Outsiders: Discussion Questions. Briefly describe the setting of our story as Chapter One begins. Comprehension Questions: Chapters He remembers a time in biology when a cute girl was startled when he flipped out his knife to dissect a worm. How does Ponyboy react to what Sodapop tells him about Darry?
The Outsiders (Chapter One)
When Ponyboy becomes aware of the Socs trailing him in their car, he says, "I automatically hitched my thumbs in my jeans and slouched," to make up for his small size and appear tough. The chapter ends with Ponyboy wondering what Soda meant about Darry. Ponyboy admits that Soda dropped out of school, a fact that embarrasses him for his brother. Test your knowledge on all of The Outsiders. Father Ponyboy's father died in a car accident eight months ago. Ponyboy, Steve, and Soda were walking back from the gas station past the "wide, open field where we play football and hang out," when Steve noticed Johnny's jacket.
The Outsiders, Chapters | Reading Quiz - Quizizz
When the Socs attack him and Ponyboy, he kills Bob to stop them from drowning Ponyboy. Who are the Greasers? Bribe the cashier. When Ponyboy gets caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, he has to figure out what the right thing to do is. The Outsiders is a novel of conflicts—greaser against Soc, rich against poor, the desire for violence against the desire for reconciliation. Why does Ponyboy get jumped? The Outsiders Comprehension Questions. Dally "smiled dangerously," and gears up to harass her some more, but Johnny reaches out and stops him. What are some differences between the Socs and the Greasers? Who are the socs? This characterization is demonstrated as he describes his homework - which includes reading Great Expectations. Why do you think she had a … The Outsiders 5 Comprehension and Discussion Questions Chapter 1 Answer the following questions in complete sentence form. Perfect prep for The Outsiders quizzes and tests you might have in school.
The Outsiders Summary And Analysis Of Chapter 12
Explain what Pony means when he says Soda "reminds me of a colt" on p. He had big black eyes in a dark tanned face; his hair was jet-black and heavily greased and combed to the side, but it was so long that it fell in shaggy bangs across his forehead. Two-bit starts to flirt with Marcia, and updates them on Dally's whereabouts: Timothy Shepard, the leader of the other major Greaser gang, is looking for Dally because Dally slashed his car's tires. The Outsiders Questions And Answers.
CCNA 1 V ITN Chapter 7 Exam Answers - Premium IT Exam Answers
Circle the correct writing narrative that the novel follows, and the reason for your choice. What condition is Johnny in after the fire? Why does this event reflect society today? The Outsiders Study Questions. I lie to myself all the time. How do Ponyboy's relationships with Darry and Sodapop differ? They get there early, and have time to shoplift cigarettes from the drugstore.
The Outsiders Chapter 1 | Literature Quiz - Quizizz
Meanwhile, Soda is giving Darry a back massage for a pulled muscle from his job roofing. Two-bit explains that that's what happens when you get caught: "Our one rule, besides Stick together, is Don't get caught. Hinton uses the technique of anecdote to reveal to the reader the story of Johnny's attack. Comprehension Questions — The Outsiders. Foreshadowing is also used in the last sentence of the chapter, in which Ponyboy thinks about the Socs and says, "Man, I thought, if I had worries like that I'd consider myself lucky. Hinton is a book famous for its coming of age exploration of right and wrong. Hinton This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials. The intent of the genealogy is to emphasize the Abrahamic and Davidic ancestry of Jesus, establishing his credentials to be the royal Messiah of Israel. Compare and contrast the Socs and the greasers.
The Outsiders Novel Trivia Quiz: Chapter 1 To 3
Summary template. How does Ponyboy react to what Sodapop tells him about Darry? Hinton's novel The Outsiders. Dally agrees that it is. Consider the following quote on p. The Outsiders Chapter 7 Discussion Questions Discuss these questions with a group of two to four people. This Hinton's novel The Outsiders. Each group only has to turn in one paper. There download also contains an original PDF version of the quiz as well. Acces PDF Outsiders Comprehension Answer Key Chapter 7 Outsiders Comprehension Answer Key Chapter 7 If you ally need such a referred outsiders comprehension answer key chapter 7 book that will allow you worth, acquire the utterly best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. The Outsiders Chapter 7 Discussion Questions. But not on much else besides trouble with the Socs, a vicious gang of rich kids whose idea of a good time is beating […] Question 1. One day the horse was sold and Soda had cried all night.
The Outsiders Chapters 1 And 2 Summary And Analysis | GradeSaver
The Outsiders by S. Write the answers on a piece of notebook paper. Who are the Greasers? What do you know about Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry? Questions are matching and questions are multiple-choice. The answer key is included. Who are the Socs? Soda had never wanted anything but that horse, and now he was gone…. Ponyboy discovers through the paper that--answer choices There download also contains an original PDF version of the quiz as well.
The Outsiders Chapter 6 Comprehension Questions
Where socioeconomic differences separate two groups of teenagers. Although these social classes separate the two groups, they do share some things in common. Can common interests fill in the gap between the rich and the poor? You will have time to read in class after group discussion. Be sure that you bring your novel every day! All chapter questions are attached at the bottom of this page. Timeline for The Outsiders Day 1: Read chapter 1 and answer the questions. Be prepared to turn this in next class. Day 2: Read chapter 2 and answer the questions. Day 3: Read chapter 3 and answer the questions. Day 3: Quiz on chapters Weekend: Read chapters and answer the questions. Day 4: Read chapter 5 and answer the questions. Day 5: Read chapter 6 and answer the questions. Day 6: Read chapter 7 and answer the questions. Weekend: Read chapter 8 and answer the questions. Day 7: Read chapter 9 and answer the questions. Day 7: Quiz on chapters Day 8: Read chapters 10 and 11 and answer the questions.
The Outsiders Chapter 7 Comprehension Questions
Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Why might this memory be important? Word of the Day --Set One --Term 3 -- 7th grade. Johnny looked up from his banana split, Who? Get an answer for 'Summarize Chapters 7, 8, and 9 in the book The Outsiders. Perhaps it's showing the possibility that Johnny might not actually make it. When Randy was telling Ponyboy about people never saying no to Bob. The Outsiders Chapter 6.
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